23. The Clown Trio

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"You were always a crybaby."



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Sakura took a deep breath and another. "You are..." She trailed off, her eyes flickering around the dark room, Neji outside of the room and Itachi with him. The old-textbook television in front of her flickering in the darkness. "Sensei, right?"

A huff was heard from the boy who was sneering at her, the hand covering his sickly and pale face. "Indeed I am, what is it that you need, Uchiha Madara?"

Sakura held a scoff back, the black mask covering her cherub face. "I would like to request a..." She paused, "... Business partnership between the two of us."

Silence filled the dark room and all Sakura could hear is the angry huffs of Shigaraki Tomura, his red eyes still glaring at her. Sakura's mouth twitched in amusement, is Sakura really a 'cheat'?

Well, considering the fact that she lived at the time where society still allowed killing and the fact that there was only one rule in the world of shinobi and that is "To kill or be killed."

Killing, in the words of a shinobi, is not bad or good. It is not in between, rather it is the reason of why you kill. You kill for the protection of your family and friends, you kill for money, you kill for fun, you kill for pleasure, you kill for self-defense. (If self-defense actually is apart of the Shinobi dictionary.)

There will always be a reason why a person would kill.

In this scenario where they think they have won, then they should think twice. The only reason why she said two instead of the three of them is because they still need Itachi to be apart of the League of Villains.

He is their spy, after all.

He is having fun doing it, considering that he trolls them especially with his... Newly shiny bald head even if it's only an illusion. To others, this may be a serious situation but to Uchiha Itachi?

This is but a mere plaything to him.

"How exactly did you know where the base is?" Sensei asked, Sakura hesitated to call him sensei because for one, why should she call him that?


What was Itachi's name supposed to be?

"Hage atama showed us where it is and I'm sorry if I appear to be rude but considering the fact that you just called this base and this whole..." She crossed her arms together, "...place is really just a junk."

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