20. Intership

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"The more common an evil is, the worse it is."



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"Midoriya." Was the first thing she heard as she stared dumbstruck at the hand on her wrist.

Her eyes flickered up as the boy looked at her with seriousness in his face, "Oh, Todoroki, it's just—"

She paused because what does he wants with her?

"—you, I guess." She finished with a smile on her face, the dual-haired buy stared at her and she tried not to feel awkward by his stare.

He breath in, "I already asked Midoriya about this—"

Sakura blinked as he let go of her hand, the boy stared at her with his heterochromatic-eyes.

Now that she has clear sight of it, it really does looks beautiful.

"Are you All Might's children?" She blinked because she was sure she heard wrong.


"What." She dyrly replied because how did he come to terms that she and Izuku were All Might's children?

Not that All Might wasn't a Father-figure to Izuku but he certainly is not their sperm-donor.

She inwardly cringed, now she thought of it, All Might was similar to Tsunade-sama.

Oh no. Blond hair, super-strengths, has that same disappointing looks on their face whether Izuku or her does something stupid.

Kami, she did not just think of that.

"Enhanced abilities like All Might." He replied immediately and Sakura took a deep breath, "That's it?"

He stared at her. "All Might has a lot of interest to your brother. If it weren't that the two of you were twins, I would say that you were somehow related to Aizawa-sensei."

Uh, what kind of drugs was this boy on?

Her medic-self wanted to do a quick diagnosis to him, fearing his brain was frozen or fried by his Quirks. Her other-half told her, maybe he was that, she would feel bad if she says—

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