04. Reconnect

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Don't get Sakura wrong but she did warn her little brother.

She told him not to follow the blond gremlin anymore and look what he did.

Exactly the opposite of what she said. For the hundredth of time, Sakura woke up upon hearing Katsuki's voice and she almost grabbed a silencing seal and made a move to shove it inside his mouth.

Doe this toddler have an inside voice?

Because she literally swears he's almost as loud as Naruto and Lee and there's nothing in the world that can defeat their loudness, she's not even sure if Naruto has an inside voice because she was sure, in her past life, she almost managed to get deaf by his shoutings.

She went outside her bedroom, slamming the door open. "Would you shut up?!"

She glared at the gremlin in front of her and he glared back, scowling at her. "Huh?!" He started to walk towards her. "Did you just ordered me, Forehead girl?! "

She stepped on his foot, grabbing the gremlin's shirt, successfully lifting him a little bit in the air, "Unlike you, Wan-Wan, no one likes to wake up early and what the heck are you doing here?! Don't you have your friends to play with?!"

The little shit had the audacity to pull her hair harshly and she dropped him to the ground because she was sure he managed to pull her whole hair out. Feeling herself wheeze in pain, she–HoW DaRE hE tACkLe hER cHA?!

"My minions are all sick and I had no one to play with so I went here, be glad I went here, Forehead! It's not like I wanted to be here! Deku and I are going to play in the forest so you better not get in our way!"

Sakura smacked him in the head, hearing his nickname? insult? to her little flame. "Don't call him that! A forest?! Knowing you lot, you'll get in danger the moment you enter the forest so I'll come with you!"

The blond immediately declined, "No way! No girls allowed, girls are weak! Besides, play with your dolls. It's not like we'll go in the danger zone!"

Sakura glared at him, shoving him off her by kicking him off, feeling the boy wheeze in pain made her grin but she quickly wipe it off her face, "Fine! If I find a single scratch on my little flame, I'll make sure that no one would find your body."

The blond rolled his eyes as he stood up, Sakura let a cry out, grabbing her foot who the gremlin crushed with all his might.

"You son of–!" She stopped herself because she wasn't going to call Aunty Mitsuki a bitch because she'll probably murder her. She grabbed his hair, pulling it.

"Watch it–! Not my hair, you bitch!" He said, successfully removing Sakura's faltering hand from his spiky blond hair. She blinked at her hand.

"I'll kill you! My hair!"

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