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With the lump forming in Audrielle's throat, she tried to push Leo off of her. The smell of his strong cologne and cigarettes bellowed in the air around her and Leo moved closer, his chest touching hers. "Leo..." Audrielle whimpered. Leo groaned, and pulled Audrielle closer to him, his face leaning forward, eager to have his lips touch hers but Audrielle was quick to turn his face to the side. His lips brushing against her strawberry colored cheek instead.

"Don't." He growled, aggressively grabbing her chin so his lips connected with hers. She closed her eyes, not because she was savouring the kiss but because she wished he wasn't here. She wanted to be happy and it was as if it was his mission to destroy it. Why did he have to come looking for her? Why couldn't he let her live in peace?

"Leo, stop." Audrielle snapped, trying to shove him away. He took a step back in surprise and almost stumbled because of the alcohol in his system. Walking to the kitchen, Audrielle decided to pour herself another glass of wine, something to help cope with the presence of Leo.

"This is new of you Audrielle, you normally drink only on occasions." Audrielle only rolled her eyes at the observation that Leo made of her. Leaning against the kitchen counter, Audrielle rubbed her hands down her face groaning as she tried to wake herself up.

"Why are you here, Leo?" Audrielle asked, staring deeply into his forest green eyes.

"I think it's self explanatory, bambola. Why did you run away?" Leo questioned, leaning against the counter. His dark eyes narrowed into thin slits as he watched Audrielle curiously.

(Translation: doll)

"Did you not read the letter I left you? It was next to the bed with the wedding ring and the earrings that you just so happened to buy me only to stalk me with." Audrielle snapped. She was sick of Leo even though he had only been in her presence for less than twenty minutes.

Leo slammed his fists down onto the counter and Audrielle flinched. His nostrils flared and his jaw hardened as his hand wrapped around Audrielle's arm, like a snake suffocating its prey. In less than a second, Leo's hand found Audrielle's throat as he pulled her body against his. Trying to pry his hand off of her, Audrielle dug her nails into his arm, almost piercing his skin but it was no use. Leo didn't even flinch in pain.

"You've been gone for fucking two weeks, Audrielle. I was losing my mind because I had no clue as to where you had ran off to. But last week, I rang my mother, telling her about your little misfit, and she didn't sound that surprised, like she knew something. It soon clicked to me that you were finding shelter under my mamma's roof. I decided to give you a few days, maybe see if you would fly back to America and return home, but you didn't. So that's what brings me here, Audrielle. You." Leo growled and Audrielle fought so hard to hold back her tears of anger.

He suddenly let go of Audrielle, pacing towards the fridge. "Pack your shit, we're leaving in half an hour." Leo muttered with his back towards Audrielle.

"No." Audrielle simply replied. Suddenly Leo's body whipped around, his eyes dark and a vein on his neck popping out because of his anger.

"What did you just say to me?"

"I said no. Leo, I will not be returning to America with you." Audrielle stated coolly.

Leo chuckled darkly as he circled around the kitchen island to stand in front of Audrielle. "You have two choices here, so make the right decision. Either one, you go upstairs, pack your bags and meet me down here in ten minutes so we can board the plane together. Or two, I take matters into my own hands, knock you out and drag you out of here like a rag doll. Choose wisely princess."

"I choose three. I stay here and live happily while you fuck off back to America and I never see your evil face again!" Audrielle yelled. A smirk covered Leo's face and he clicked his knuckles.

"This may hurt a little." He said sadistically. As Leo went to attack Audrielle, she quickly chucked her wine glass, the glass shattering into a thousand pieces on the tiled floor and Leo covered in wine. But before she could run upstairs and lock herself in the bathroom, Leo was quick on his feet and grabbed her by her hair, pulling her back towards him. She screamed in fear as he bent her over the kitchen island, his large body leaning on her.

"Get off of me you asshole!"

"God woman, why do you have to make everything so hard?" He mumbled, adding pressure to her upper back so her face was flat against the counter.

"I'm done playing nice guy here, Audrielle. I will drag you out of this fucking house by your hair if you do not cooperate with me. Just pack your damn things so we can leave." He spat.

"Elle, is everything alright?" A sleepy Stella suddenly asked from the bottom of the stairs. Audrielle looked up to see a little girl in her princess pajamas with a pink, fuzzy blanket in one hand and a teddy bear in the other. Audrielle's eyes started to immediately water.

"Everything is just fine Stella, go back to bed." Audrielle mumbled, trying not to cry.

"Are you leaving me already?" Stella asked.

"N-No, I'm not." Audrielle's voice cracked. She didn't want to lie to poor Stella and the thought of Audrielle having to leave, brought tears to her eyes.

"Leo, why are you hurting Elle?"

Leo cleared his throat, uncomfortable by the question. "I'm not hurting her. Go back to bed Stella it's late." He mumbled as he stood up, no longer holding Audrielle down.

"Then why is she crying?" Stella pouted, running towards Audrielle. Stella engulfed Audrielle into a bear hug and Audrielle dropped down onto her knees to do the same. Tears spilled from her eyes as she held the little girl tighter, afraid that she may never see Stella again.

"Stella it's late, you need to be in bed asleep or else your mom won't be happy with you." Audrielle whispered, pulling away and wiping her tears.

"Could you tuck me in again?" Looking at Leo, he stiffly nodded his head and Audrielle slowly walked away with Stella in her arms.

The walk to Stella's room was slow and heavy. Audrielle had a plate full of emotions riding on her right now and she didn't want to say goodbye to Stella. She loved it here. But good things must come to an end so it was no surprise that when she had returned downstairs, she saw Leo standing at the front door with a couple of her suitcases.

"Because of your tantrum earlier, I've had to hold back our flights by an hour. We need to be at the runway in an hour." Leo grumbled, flicking through his phone, not even once looking up from it.

Audrielle felt numb. "Please Leo. I don't want to go back now. I love it here." She whispered. Finally Leo stared into her eyes. This time they were more welcoming.

"You also said you love me, Audrielle. So why won't you just come back home?" Leo questioned.

"Leo I do love you, but I also love a lot of other things and other people too. I love old hardcover books. I love the sun in the morning. But I also love your little sister and your mom. Your mom has been the only motherly figure towards me in my entire life. She's taught me things that I would have never learnt if I stayed in America. Leo you're like coffee. I love the smell of coffee but the actual taste of it is horrible. Please just let me stay here, just for a few more weeks." Audrielle pleaded with her husband.

Leo thought long and hard about it. He stared into Audrielle's brown eyes and tried not to melt away. But he shook his head and Audrielle let out a whimper of defeat. "No Audrielle, you've had your two week vacation away from me now it's time to face reality. I pity you for believing that you could ever end this marriage. This is part of history, Audrielle. Your ancestors and mine signed a contract with their own blood to create this marriage and you must follow through."

Audrielle started to sob loudly and Leo rolled his eyes. "Cut with the attitude and grab your shit, we're leaving." He growled. Just as he was about to reach for the doorknob, a gun was pressed against his head and the sound of the safety being turned off echoed through his ears.

"Audrielle's staying with me."

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