Chapter- 8 The Magic Girl

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How can a journey that has just begun end so soon? This is not Sam's destiny. Whether his destiny is in finding back his tears or in meeting his parents, nothing is glassy. But one thing can be confirmed for sure that his life will bring him something grand. Now with this confirmation a question arises whether that grand really exists?

Sam opened his eyes and just saw clouds and clouds everywhere. Am I dead? Is this heaven? Did I come to heaven after dying? These first thoughts entered Sam's mind as soon as his eyelids were up after that fall unexplainable fall from the bridge.

Sam stood up and sat down. He felt soft-soft. "These clouds are very soft." He said. He looked around but the only things he could see were the clouds, rainbows and felt cool breeze.

"Is anyone here?"

"Can anyone hear me?"

"Hello! Anyone! "

"You wake up." A voice replied.

Sam again looked around but still there was no one.

After a while in his front, at some distance, a cloud door rose up. The door opened and from inside it came out a girl dressed in pink.

"How are you feeling now? The girl asked as she gave Sam a bottle of juice.

Sam hesitated to take the juice from a stranger. The girl smiled and said-

"Don't worry it is not poisoned. If I wanted to kill you then I would not have saved you."

"You saved me."

"It means I am not dead."

"Yes, you are not dead and I am not a ghost too." The girl laughed again.

"Then how did you save me. I was falling from the bridge."

"Is it important to know how I saved you? Instead shouldn't you thank me for your life?"

"Oh! Thanks a lot."

"Now can you tell me."

"Well now you have thanked me then have this juice if you really want me to accept your thanks."

Sam takes the juice and takes a deep sip in a hurry.

"Look I have drunk the juice, now can you tell me how you saved me?"

"Looks like you are very stubborn type. Then I should tell you or else you will not sit quietly. But please don't get scared. Huh!"

The girl stood up and clapped once. Another moment Sam was lying on a bed. Sam was surprised. He asked the girl shattering-

"W-Wh-Who a-ar-are y-yo-you?"

"Look I told you. You got scared."

'What is all this?"

"Well then now I should introduce myself formally. So, I am Gimmy Woren and I can do magic."

"What! Magic! "

"Yes! Magic! "

"Wait! Let me get my mind on it and sort it out."

"Do all that after taking some rest. Now get some sleep." The girl walked away after saying so.

Sam couldn't do anything as the moment the girl went out Sam legs got dragged on their own and he was lying straight on the bed. The quilt rose up in air and covered Sam completely. The lights got switched off automatically. Now Sam had no other choice but to sleep.

What a strange girl that was? But more strange thing was the sudden appearing of a girl who knows magic and her saving Sam out of no reason. Everything from here has turned strange. Does it make sense that when Sam was in danger out of nowhere a girls shows up to save him and not only this much she knows magic. Or will we say that coincidentally the girl was passing by when she saw Sam falling and thus saved him. Well does such coincidences really exist.

What is the mystery of The Magic Girl Gimmy Woren? We will find out in the next chapter where Sam will continue his journey to The Wish of Tears.

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