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Henry opened the door. There stood Mrs Edevane, her eyes shining with malevolence and a grave look on her face. "The bread loaf has been finished. And honey and Steffi have a busy day tomorrow. Go to the nerby store and fetch a loaf of bread. The store is opened 24/7 and the owner is my friend, she'll give it to you."

Henry strained his half asleep mind to get what she was saying. He could barely open his eyes. "What! What are you waiting for? Didn't you hear me!" snapped Mrs Edevane clenching her teeth together, trying to keep her voice low.

"But it's too late." " So what! And after all, who would try to rib or kidnap a useless, bonehead rootless like you. I don't want any further arguments
Go out now!" snapped Mrs Edevane. Henry couldn't figure out why she was always so rude to him. Mrs Edevane handed him some money and Henry went downstairs, clenching his jaws so tight that it ached. He closed the door behind him and there lay the deserted road like a ribbon in front of him. Light breeze was blowing. Henry continued on the pavement, cursing Mrs Edevane. "Useless! Bonehead! Rootless like you!..." the words echoed in his mind. He thought they he should've told Mr Alex everything.

Back at the Edevane House

" Hello! Ya, he's left....flip the board!... Yes, in the park....Okay!" Mrs Edevane kept the phone down without making the slightest noise. Her lips curled at the corners and her eyes fixed at the door. She went in her room and slept back as if she had never woken up.

Vengeance of the oathbreaker: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now