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Back to Henry....

Soon, Henry reached a shop with a wide glass door, the light outside it was flickering. The board of the shop read "Hannah's Confectionery'. But to Henry's astonishment, the small hanging board on the handle read 'CLOSED'. Inside the shop sat a healthy lady having straight blonde hair busy shaping her nails, tilting her fingers at different angles and pouting at their length. Henry knocked on the glass door and the lady gave him a long stare. Then she came out and said, " Henry, right?", her voice sounded bold. Henry nodded his head. "Well, Claira told me she needed a loaf of bread but all breads in the store are finished in the store. Come with me, I have a few in the warehouse. The warehouse is just here, don't worry, come!" said Hannah and without waiting for Henry, she walked further on the empty pavement. Henry followed her till a park when she said "you wait in the park, I need some time finding it out as my warehouse is very botched up at the moment." Henry casually walked into the park and sat on a bench. A flurry of wind brushed his aching eyes but the the coldness of the wind gave him a shiver. Henry felt a bit awkward sitting in a park in the dead of night. First a Confectionery shop and now....a park. It's been a while since he stepped in the backyard and now he was in a park. He wondered how the park looked in the daylight. He felt calm being amidst nature, at least it gave him some time to be away from Mrs Edevane. There were huge trees, their leaves swishing in the night wind. There were thick bushes of bougainvillea and Morning Glory, both entwined into each other. So thick that it seemed to  be  completely impenetrable. It reminded him of that sunny day. When he fainted in the sunny afternoon. For a moment Henry caught a damp smell in his nose, but it was gone few moments later. There seemed to be some reason why everything on the bushes's side was so quiet. And in those overgrown dense bushes, there shone a pair of golden eyes! Eyes that sent a chill down his spine. Eyes, continuously goggling at him.

Vengeance of the oathbreaker: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now