Chapter 21

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My wish is that you may be loved to the point of madness.
Andr Breton

Stop fidgeting. Stop fidgeting. Stop fidgeting.

I chanted as I rested my elbow on the wooden stool with my hands under my chin but enough to show off the 1-carat rock on my finger.

"Beautiful, beautiful!" The man behind the big camera grinned. After a few shots, he approached me and playfully poked my cheek.

"Smile a little," he said and I managed to give a small smile. When he was satisfied with my expression, he started clicking away at his camera with a psychotic smile on his face.

I glanced at the corner where Sonya stood giving orders to the team in the studio. She glanced back at me and gestured for me to smile and I groaned inwardly.

This was my life now. As soon as the news of my engagement with Dorian was out, the madness began. First, the media renamed me from mystery girl to Cinderella, can you believe that? Mara was the first to tell me, she was obviously excited since it was good publicity.

The second person to call me that name was Kelly. Yes Kelly, at Landucci on my last day at the restaurant. Unlike Laura, I went through the normal process of giving three weeks' notice.

I was clearing my items from the locker when I heard someone entered the dressing room.

"They call you Cinderella now," I heard Kelly say.

I scoffed and shook my head. "I'm obviously not."

"I know that," she said with her curt mannerism. "It's weird right?"

"Yeah," I said, my mind wandering to the picture of our visit to Tiffany Co. turning up on the front pages.

"Especially for someone who I could have sworn hadn't heard of Dorian Kane until I told her," I snapped my eyes up to find a smirking Kelly.

"Look, I don't know what the hell is going on but I hope you know what you are doing, that world is a crazy place," she said. I was quiet for a while wondering whether or not to indulge in the conversation.

"Thanks for your concern," I simply said.

"Look, I'm not judging you but I ain't buying no Cinderella bullshit," she said. "We've all got secrets and I don't know why you are doing this but I hope it's worth it," she added.

It is. It is worth it. My peace of mind, my brother's freedom, they are both worth it.

"As I said, thanks for your concern but you don't have to and since we are talking about secrets are you and Mr. Curtis—"

"Wanna trade secrets?" She asked. Her eyes pierced mine, silently daring me to give in. It was tempting but I shook my head against it.


"Very good, Dakota," Vicente's voice pulled me back to my surroundings. I changed my pose again and again. Before we were finally done, my ring was photographed too probably for a celebrity ring magazine or something. This was my life now.

"Okay that's all for today, Dakota," Sonya said as we headed to the car.

"I know it is overwhelming but you did well," she said casting me her signature smile before leaving.

Soon, I was alone in the sanctuary of the car. Theo wasn't here today, it was the woman called Peyton. She was in dark shades and black suits. She never talked to me and I was too tired to start up a conversation. Soon we were at my upscale apartment complex and I appreciated the sleek movement of the elevator albeit with three other people.

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