Chapter 1

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Falling in Love is not rational. It's madness. A beautiful, wonderful, and moment of magnificent insanity.
-Michael Faudet

You know what they say about the devil and the different forms he can take? Well, the devil can also come in a rosy, dimpled cheek with long raven black hair and the cutely chubby features of a teenager.

"Choose already!"

The man said for the umpteenth time. The agitation in his voice was enough to make the strands of hair at my back stand– that kind of voice can only be found in the military. Even at that, the  girl sitting across him acted like he had not spoken at all as she scanned the menu with disinterest and refused to pick a dish.

I could feel the tension between them and it was so thick. Unfortunately for me, I was the waitress caught in between father-daughter argument on what to order.

As if sensing my impatience, the girl smiled and twirled her hair that could as well be hiding Maleficent's horn while making clinking sounds with her tongue. I was beyond irritated.

I never did this at her age. Maybe it was because I rarely had dinners in fancy restaurants like Landucci. It was very obvious that she was from money, her father was dressed in a well tailored suit and she had these cute little diamond earrings that must have cost a fortune.

It was no surprise to see these calibers of people here. Landucci was one of the best Italian restaurants in the city and it was always flooded with important people, hence, very good tips. If only everything I made here was enough to pay all my debts ranging from the rents to the huge sum of money my brother owed before his arrest. My salaries and tips for a whole year would not even be enough to pay one-third of them, not fair!

"Lilly!" The man tried to whisper but his voice still attracted stares from some customers.

"I don't know what to order," Lilly finally said.

"Why don't you just order what I ordered?" Lilly's father said, his frustration clearly showed.

"No way," She glared at her poor father who massaged his head with his fingers.

It wasn't the first time these two had this kind of argument. They were frequent customer at the restaurant and most times they came, this happens.

"You know what? I don't feel like eating anything." My jaw dropped and I wanted to pull at my hair. Why did you make me wait?

"But you wanted to come here," Her father interjected.

"I change my mind."

Her father looked up at me and I gave him the nah, I'm cool smile and he sighed.

I left their table feeling relieved for not having to serve them again and sorry for the poor father who was trying too hard to please his daughter.

How ungrateful.

I felt like shaking that Lilly girl really hard until she understood how lucky she was to have a father who was willing to put up with her and treat her to an Italian delicacy, how lucky she was to even have a father at all. I just couldn't understand these rich kids.

I walked pass the secretary's desk. Kelly, the secretary who has had her fair share of experience with Lily and her father gave me a sympathetic smile. I chuckled slightly, hoping it masked my irritation, after all customers are always right.

I went back to the kitchen to catch my breath. The chefs were at work and the spicy smell of curry and garlic filled the air. Domenico, the head chef sighted me and gestured for me to come over.

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