Chapter 14

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When someone told me I lived in a fantasy land, I nearly fell off my unicorn.
- Anonymous

It's amazing how one's life can change in a split second, how in moments, someone could stop being who there were and become entirely someone else. For me, that life-changing seconds- my split seconds was when I said yes to being the private waitress for Dorian and Dana.

Sometime last month, I was the lowly waitress who was always watching her back, scared of what was out there to get her. I was the girl whose brother was in jail. I was the orphan-uh, I still am. The point is that I basically the main character of a sob story. Truth be told, I still am that girl, only with more qualities like Dorian Kane's mystery girl according to blogs and the bad friend. Gosh, Laura must hate my guts right now.

After my conversation with Laura at the restaurant, I was still wondering what could be the cause of her behavior. After receiving about four hours long silent treatment during chef Domenico's family dinner and coming back to work the next day only to find that she had quit, I was almost sure it was me.

Landucci was more like a haunted house without Laura despite the fleet of workers and its ever-bustling atmosphere. Mr. Curtis couldn't care less about one employee who quit, so he was quick to replace her. But my question is, why the heck was Kelly the one to address us about this? Was she the manager's sidekick now or what?

"So nothing's changed, only that the routine would be slightly messed up tomorrow, Alonzo you would be taking up Laura's spot and her shift schedule alright?" She said in a manner that made me want to roll my eyes, while the man standing just next to me nodded his head dutifully. What the heck was going on?

After we were dismissed, I followed Kelly out of the staff's dressing room making sure she failed at ignoring me.

"Dakota, what do you want?" She groaned.

"A better explanation of what just happened?"

"What explanation? Laura quitted and she got replaced, satisfied?" She asked giving me a look that made me think twice about my reply.

"But why?" My question made her come to a halt and she turned to me with her face silently saying are you that dumb?

"I don't know, she's your friend, why don't you tell me?"

I looked down, washed with mortification. Why the heck did you quit Laura? This couldn't be just because of me, could it?

"Look," She continued. "I didn't get the chance to talk to her but she could have given three weeks' notice as it is meant to be. She breached her working contract but I talked to Jaimie- I mean Mr. Curtis and he is letting it slide."

I rose my eyebrow at the fact that she called the manager by his first name rather than the name we employees have been mandated to call him. What I would give to hear what Laura had to say about it.

I nodded my head in resignation not pressing for more information and I went on with my job. At every opportunity I get, I made an attempt to call Laura but it went straight to voicemail. What the heck is wrong with her?

As I changed into a casual outfit after my shift, I heard a buzz from my phone. It was probably a text from Laura, I felt my heart leap with joy but it was short-lived as I realized that it was an unknown number.

*Hey it's Dorian. How about dinner tonight? To talk about you-know-what. Sorry for informing you late. My driver, Theo will be at yours by 7, is that okay?
Ps: I took the liberty of pre-informing Molly and she's eager to give you the night off.*

I read the message again and again as if looking for a clue that the text wasn't from Dorian. I gave a slight chuckle at the you-know-what part. No, I do not know Dorian because you-know-what could mean several things, like how you kissed me and literarily pushed me away.

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