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"Pool day!" Callie yells as she runs outside.

Everyone starts laughing at her as she runs outside to go to our big pool. We all go outside with her and she tries to put her floaties on.

"Let me help you," I say. I take them from her and I put them on her arms for her. Right as I finish Brandon picks her up and jumps into the pool with her.

They both come up laughing and I can't help but smile at them. Callie is having so much fun. She deserves this and so much more.

I walk over to the chairs and I sit down next to Nick. He smirks at me as I take my clothes off.

"Stop staring," I say rolling my eyes.

He starts laughing, "Well I can't help that you are so beautiful."

I wrap my arms around him and he pecks my lips super fast, "Can you put some sunscreen on my back?"

"Of course." I turn around and he grabs the sunscreen bottle. He starts to put some on my back. As soon as he touches me I feel goosebumps appear all over my body. His touch drives me insane.

He then leans down and presses a small kiss to my neck. I smile and he kisses me again, "I'm done."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Yes, ma. I'm sure."

I turn around to face him and I peck his lips. I sit down on the chair and he looks at me confused.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to swim with me?" He asks.

"I will soon, baby. I want to sit out for a little bit," I say.

He nods his head and jumps in the pool. I watch him start to play around with the boys and Callie. He looks so happy playing with everyone. That's how it should always be, but he has never been happy.

I find myself always thinking about Nick and what has happened to him all his life. I can't ever seem to stop thinking about it. Sometimes it keeps me up at night because I'm so worried.

"Ma, come here."

I stand up and I walk to the edge of the pool where Nick is. "What?"

"Can you help me up?"

"No," I say. "You are too big."

"Rude," he says. I give him my hand and he grabs it. I pull as hard as I can, but he pulls me harder and pulls me right into the pool with him.

I come up and I roll my eyes. I splash water at his face and he starts laughing, "I hate you."

"No you don't," he says.

"You are right I don't," I say. "But right now I strongly dislike your ass."

He laughs again and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He starts to walk around in the pool with my body pressed against his.

"You know, I've never done this before."

"Done what?" I ask him.

"What we are doing," he says. "I've never been in a relationship before. This is so different to me. That's why I was scared to ask you out because I was afraid to do it wrong."

"You are doing it all so perfect," I smile. "You really are an amazing boyfriend."

"I'm glad you think that."

"You make me happy," I say.

He smiles super big, "You are one of the only things that make me happy. I've never had anyone ever before."

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