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"Come on there's gotta be something here we can do!"

Skeppy was walking around in the room, history book in hand. He was flipping page after page. Nothing but useless information about this Vallore creature.

Bad tapped his fingers on the table, watching Skeppy pase around the living room.

"The muffin will be fine, Skeppy." Bad assured him. "He just needs some rest."

"But what if, I don't know, the purple stuff takes over him and I don't know." Skeppy ranted. "And he turns into that monster!? I don't want to fight a friend!"

Bad sighed, he was right. They didn't know much about this whole new purple goo thing. People that offered to do some research still haven't found anything.

"Just, be a patient potato, Skeppy. Techno will be alright." Bad said again.

Skeppy put the book down from his face. He walked over to the table Bad was sitting on and got in a chair. He place the open book on the table and splatted his face on it. Groaning in frustration.

"I just want to suck all of the knowledge of this history book into my brain." Skeppy muffled into the book. "That would be soo easy."

"Skeppy, uhhh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Bad said. "That book is a bit old, there might've been some dust on there."

Skeppy immediately shot up and coughed some of the dust out. He groaned again and pulled the strings of his hoodie.

Bad laughed at this sight.

They heard the door opened. They turned to see who this visitor was.
It was Wilbur Soot.

It was a bit awkward for the three of them, since they haven't really met each other personally. They just knew that all of them were friend with Technoblade. That's why they were here now.

"Oh hello again." Bad greeted.

"Hi, Badboyhalo right?" Wilbur asked.

Bad nodded happily.

"And Skeppy?"

"Yep that's me." Skeppy raised his hand.

Wilbur nodded. He closed the door behind him.

"Oh and thank you again for letting us stay in your place for a while." Bad suddenly said.

"Oh yeah, you're welcome then." Wilbur replied. "Anytime. How is Techno doing?"

"He's probably in the room, sleeping." Skeppy answered.

"Has he been doing, you know, well?" Wilbur asked, clearly worried for his friend's well being.

The two thought for of moment, thinking of what to say.

"Well he's..." Skeppy continued. "He hasn't been doing well, or hasn't been doing bad. He just, looks the same I guess."

"But he's probably doing well!" Bad answered cheerfully.

"That's great to hear." Wilbur replied. "I'm going to check up on him now."

"Okay! Tell him we said that we hope he's doing good!" Bad told Wilbur.

Wilbur smiled slightly at this man's positivity and left the living room.

He got upstairs and after a couple of rooms he made it to the guest's.

Wilbur opened the door slightly, and took a peak inside.

Techno was awake, now sitting on the bed. He was leaning against the wall beside him, mindlessly playing with some tissue paper he got. Probably from the random tissue box beside him.

"You know, Techno, you should probably be sleeping right now." He opened the door fully and step inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Couldn't sleep." Techno replied.

In appearance, nothing really changed. One of his eyes were still purple, some bruises were here and there, some healing a bit. The only thing that worried Wilbur, was some parts of Techno's body had purple spots. He didn't know if it caused any harm, but it concerned him.

"So umm, Badboyhalo wanted to know that they hope that you're doing well." Wilbur asked. Breaking the silence they had.

"Everything hurrrttsss." Techno whined.

"Hurts where?"


"Not being specific aren't you." Wilbur replied. "What even was that?"

"Skeppy or Bad hasn't told you?" Techno said.

"Told me what?"

"Well, we were going through some history and all that stuff." Techno fiddled with the tissue he was holding. "And we came across this creature named, Vallore. There isn't much, info about the creature, everyone thinks it's just a myth."

Techno ripped the tissue into two.

"I don't know what is real or not anymore." Techno finally told him. "Now one of my eyes are the color purple, some parts are still burning."

"We'll try to find a way to heal that." Wilbur said. "Maybe a healing potion?"

"You need to go to the nether for that." A wave of dizziness hit Techno's head. "You know what I'm just going to try to sleep."

"Okay okay, sleep tight." Wilbur got up and slowly closed the door to the room.

Wilbur proceeded to head downstairs. He heard some new and familiar voices coming for below.

"Oh come on! He'll be okay he's the Blood God after all!"

"We don't know if this thing can spread. How about the other people?"

"Vallore is still out there. It's going after other people too!"

"Oh my goodness, guys!"

Wilbur got downstairs and checked the kitchen. Tommyinnit and Philza made an unexpected visit.

"What's all of this about?" Wilbur asked them.

All of them went silent, except for Tommy of course.

"They were just telling us about this Vallore thing, and I wanted us to go look for it!"

"But it will instantly kill us! Heck we don't even have a cure for Technoblade!" Skeppy told him.

"Researching..." Phil was reading the book, page by page.

"They didn't say anything about a cure there." Bad quietly told him.

"We can try healing potions!" Tommy told them.

"Exactly what I was thinking, agreeing with you for this one time." Wilbur replied.

"Anyone have nether wart then?" Philza closed the book and looked at them.

"The nether portal hasn't been used in my world for a while." Wilbur informed. "No one really wanted to go there, since someone almost got stuck in there because they were playing a game."

"I think I got a couple of friends that have some nether wart at their place." Bad told them. "They call themselves, The Dream Team."

Author's Note

I know that not all of them know them personally, but I just want to make a story that feature all of your and my favorite Minecraft YouTubers
Throughout this story, more YouTubers will come in
Maybe not all, but I'll try my best to feature them here
Stay tune for more updates

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