How They Found You

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These will all be in there P.O.V
Things you need to know
Y/E/C = Your eye color

I had just finished filming a video with a few of my friends and thought I would take a walk before heading back to the house. As I was walking past an alleyway I heard a sound. I looked into the alley and decided I would try and find it. About halfway down the alley I found the sourse of the sound. "Who would abandon such a beautiful thing like you?" I said picking you up. I stood there for about 2 minutes staring into your Y/E/C eyes.
I finally ran to the house with you in my arms. When I got there I yelled "GUYS I NEED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SOMETHING!"

Me and Hot topic had just left the movie theater. We had gone to see IT Chanper 2 and to be honest with you, I wouldn't have gone if Panic! At the everywhere hadn't won a bet we had. More details on that later. Anyway we were walking down the street when à woman came up to us and pushed this thing in my arms and said "They are coming after her. Keep her safe at all time. Danger lurcks (???) around every corner. Be aware." Before running off. "What should we do with her?" Virgil asked. I looked down to see her Y/E/C eyes staring right at me. I started running to the house with Virgil right behind me. When we got there everyone was sitting on the couch watching something on TV. "What is that?" Thomas asked. "Well, something happened after the movie..."

I was sitting at a park bench when all of a sudden something catches my eyes. I walk over to a tree and there I see a baby in a box crying. I pick her up and begin to rock her till she stops crying. Once she's done she looks at me and smiles. She was to cute. I looked around. After thinking for a few minutes I decided that I was going to take you home. I carried you to the house and when I got there it seemed like everyone was in there rooms. So I found a not open jar of Crofters and feed it to you. "Patton?" "Yes?" "What is that?" Janus asked.

I had just left the house. I was tired of not being listened too. I sat down on a bench and heard some type of crying noise. I looked under the bench to find a beautiful baby girl who from the looks of it just woke up from her nap. I picked her up and she grabbed my hand. "I suppose you want me to take you to my home?" She just looked at me. "I guess I will," I stood up and started walking home with her in my arms, "I suppose it would be nice having someone to listen to me." Once I walked through the door all eyes went on me. "I have found something very beautiful."

I was walking down the street with my headphones on when a very weak woman tapped me on the shoulder. I took off my headphones and she pushed something into my arms and ran. A baby with the most beautiful eyes. I started to panic. "Why did that woman give her to me" I thought "I can't take care of a baby!" I almost put both of my hand in my hair then remembered that I had a baby in my hands. I ran to the house and when I got inside I yelled "Patton! I NEED YOUR HELP!"

I was walking along the train tracks in the woods looking for Remus when all of a sudden a big cloud of smoke came from somewhere not that far into the woods from the train tracks. Me being me I normally wouldn't go running into fire but I heard something like a crying sound and yelling so I decided to check it out. When I got to the house on fire I saw Remus standing there. "Janus! There's a baby in there!" Three men came out of the house. One holding a baby, the other two holding what I usumed was the remainder of the babies parents. "Excuse me sir! I was wondering if we could take the baby." Remus asked the firefighter holding the baby. "Its either you or orphanage." The firefighter handed me the baby. As we were walking back Remus said "You can be her mommy and I can be the daddy." He did that weird thing with his shoulders. I glared at him and he laughed. "You know you love me!" I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

I was walking in the woods and heard a baby crying. So I followed the sound. After about two minutes I finally found it. It was a beautiful baby girl with beautiful Y/E/C eyes. I picked her up and walked back to the house. "I have decided that you are mine and your name is Y/N!" You smiled. When I got back to the house I yelled "I FOUND A BABY!"

879 words! Wow!
I hope you like it.
If you want me to add Remy or Emile just ask.
Love Ya❤
Peace out✌

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