~Chapter 1~

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Izuku POV~

Its been 8 years since I've been declared quirkless and my life has only gotten worse. When I turned 8 she started to hit me, and when I turned 10 she started starving me. Also at school I get bullied, especially by this boy named Kuzuki. He used to be me and Kats friend but once he found out I was quirkless he started to bully me too. He also bully Kats because he chose me over him.

Today is the week before 6th grade end, and right now my class (except Kats) is laughing at me because I want to go to UA without a quirk. Suddenly a hand slams on to my desk and the class goes silent. ' Uggghhh great Kuzuki and his bullshit' I think to my self. He gets really close to my face and says "Ha. You better not even think about applying for UA, you waste of space. Your a quirkless useless nerd. Ya hear me? I'm gonna be the only out of this trash school to make it to UA. So just go home and cry to your mommy" I internally cringe when he tells me to go home. My home life isn't really the greatest. " Okay okay Kuzuki please sit down you can deal with him later okay? I need to finish class" The teacher said. Me and Kats look at each other and then look at the teacher. ' Did she really just say he can deal with me LATER. Ugggghh this bitch' ( If you get the reference ILY) 


The day is finally over and Kats is helping me pack up my stuff. Then we hear the door slam, we both look up to be met with Kuzuki, Gaga , and Dayum. "Well, Lookey here, The quirkless nerd and the Faggot" he says. " I'm not a f-faggot" Kats says back." Oh look guys he stuttered too" he says. " Leave us alone Kuzuki. Why do you always mess with us? Is it like a hobby or something cause its really fuckin annoying" I say the last part mostly to myself but loud enough so he can hear it. " Did you just talk back? Finally grew some balls huh?" one of his lackeys said ( Gaga). "Listen here both of you, I'm the only one out of you low life extras to make it to UA. So dont even try out." he says. 'That's like the 3rd time he said it today. Like damn we get dont fucking try for UA' I think. " Well were still gonna try out and you cant stop us." Kats says to his face. " Oh really even the quirkless nerd?" Kuzuki questions. Then he gets really really close to my ear and says " How bout you take a swan dive off the roof and hope for  quirk in your next life" That set me off . I grab Kats and hand and drag him to the door and under my breath say  "Maybe I will you bitch"

I drag Kats all the way to The Spott, while thinking about what Kuzuki told me. I think he just gave me and Idea.

( Hello welcome to the first real chapter. I will explain what the spott looks and where it is next chapter. 552 words)

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