Part 2

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"Finally!" Joseph Keith exclaimed. "We're here!" It was true. The Keith family had arrived at their hotel on the beach. "Yes!" Marcia Keith agreed, "Here at last!" Papa sniffed, "I smell BBQ. Who wants to have some dinner?" "I do! Yummy! Dinner! I'm so hungry!" Were the responses to Papa's question. "I think we should take our stuff up to the hotel room first." said Mama. "It's getting dark, and we don't want to be hauling our suitcases up in the dark. Do we?" "No ma'am." Joseph said. "But we should do it fast because I'm hungry!"

The next morning the family ate an early breakfast at 8:00 a.m. "Who wants to go to the beach?"  Mama asked. "I do!" All three of the children said it at the same time. "Alright then." Papa said, "You kids run along upstairs and get changed. Mama and I will be along shortly. Here's the room key Marcia. Room 415, okay?" "Yes sir. Do we want to take boogie boards?" Marcia asked "Sure, if you want to." Papa replied. David led the way to the elevator. "You want to press the button, Joey?" He asked. "Yes. And please stop calling me Joey. I'm 11 going on 12!" "Okay!" David laughed. "I won't if you don't want me to." "Will you too Marcy?" Joseph asked as they stepped into the elevator. "Sure Joseph." Marcia replied emphasizing the word, Joseph. "Thank you!" Joseph exclaimed.

Later that day when the family was at the beach Joseph suddenly yelped. "Joseph!" Mama called running over. "What's the matter?" "A crab is pinching my toe." He spoke. "And boy does he have strong pinch!" Papa came over and surveyed the scene. "I'll have him off in a few seconds Joseph." Papa pinched the crabs back and pulled it away. "Thank you, Papa! That hurt!" Joseph exclaimed. "You're welcome, Joey." Papa said. "Want to come into the water with me?" "No, thank you. I've had enough of being in it for today." Joseph replied, "Well then..." Papa thought for a minute. "Would you and your siblings like to go fishing?" "I would!" Joseph said excitedly. "I don't know about Marcy and David though." "I'll go ask them." Papa promised. "It looks like they are coming in anyway. You go help Mama pack up our stuff and I'll go get them. Okay?" "Okay!" Joseph agreed. Papa waded into the water. "David! Marcia!" He called. "Yes, sir?" David called as he started "running" towards Papa. "We are going to go fishing on the pier." Papa said. "Let's head back to the hotel to change. Is that fine with Ya'll?" "Yes sir!" Marcia exclaimed. "I've always wanted to go fishing, and we get to do it on a pier! Fun, fun, fun!" David laughed and repeated what his sister had said. "Yes! Fun, fun, fun!"

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