Chapter 12.4: Plesiosaurus

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Amy, Dreamsmith, and Future Girl paid for their meal and walked outside. More Londoners walked by, both to and from the museum and along the street in the open area in front of the museum. Amy allowed herself a moment to admire the architectural beauty of the building across the street, not a historical icon, but an ordinary London building.

Amy put her arm on Dreamsmith's shoulder again. "I can see why you like it here."

A burst of wind struck Amy in the face, sending her hair flying all around her head. Amy saw Future Girl react similarly, crossing her arms in front of her as the wind whipped her hair around. Dreamsmith instinctively grabbed his hat to keep it from blowing away.

"Windy city?" Amy said.

"Not so much," Dreamsmith said with dread in his eyes.

A loud crack filled the air above them, so strong that Amy had to cover her ears. It was about the same volume as a sonic boom, but with a different sound.

"What was that?" Future Girl asked.

There was no time to answer. The museum steps underneath them shuddered, almost throwing the three of them forward. Amy heard glass breaking behind them.

"The museum!" Dreamsmith said. He put his hat on and rushed back inside. Amy followed, with Future Girl above them.

A small mass of people made up of mostly students and senior citizens ran past the three of them.

Human-sized pieces of glass fell downward from the museum's massive glass dome. Amy stood her ground, knowing the glass couldn't cut her, but Dreamsmith stayed behind them, covering himself with his black cloak. Amy was about to point out that a simple cloth cape wouldn't be much protection, but then she heard another sound.

It was a roar, an angry sound of an animal out of its element.

Once into the museum's main concourse, Amy could see the sizable hole in the glass ceiling as well as the creature that had caused it.

The creature was about three meters long, with a long, snakelike neck ending at a mouth full of needlelike teeth. It had a squat body with metallic flippers, as if swimming, and flew through the air. The remaining museum staff ran for cover past Amy or into the building's side alcoves.

"Wow," Future Girl said, flying up next to Amy. "It's a plesiosaurus, or at least from the plesiosaurus family. You know, from the cretaceous period. Its cybernetic implants obviously contain some sort of anti-grav mechanism, allowing to 'swim' through the air like its ancestors once swam through oceans."

The creature roared again, writhing about in confusion in midair.

"Neat," Amy said. "Do we punch it or not?"

"Well, duh." Future Girl flew forward and Amy followed.

The creature swung its neck around, with its jaws open, ready to take a bite out of Future Girl, but she was too fast for it. She grabbed its jaws, upper and lower, holding its mouth apart. She then spun around in midair, pulling the dinosaur's weight with her.

She swung the creature around and threw it at a gift shop. Future Girl let go and sent the creature flying into a display of Rosetta Stone-shaped mouse pads.

"Not bad," Amy said.

"Thanks," Future Girl said.

Amy checked on Dreamsmith. He stayed at the entrance to the main concourse, staying out of danger.

The plesiosaur's roar filled the air again, as it burst out of a pile of souvenirs and into the air again.

Now it was Amy's turn. The plesiosaur flew right at her with its jaws open wide.

Not entirely sure where to punch, Amy aimed her fist upward towards the roof of the dinosaur's mouth. She hit it, sending the creature flying off course for a second. She took advantage of its confusion by flying to its body, grabbing it, and throwing it against the museum floor.

The granite surface cracked as the dinosaur's body smacked against it.

Future Girl flew up to Amy. "Not bad."

"The old throw them against the ground trick," Amy said. "Crude but effective."

The dinosaur, bolstered by humming energy coming from its metallic fins, lifted into the air, its long neck and wide jaws again aimed at the two girl heroes.

"My turn." Future Girl flew at the creature as it flew at her.

Future Girl raised her arm as the plesiosaur's jaws snapped down on it. Its many teeth pressed against her arm but did not break the skin. She brought her free hand down against the plesiosaur's head, striking it between its small eyes. It let go of her arm and writhed around in the air.

Amy didn't need any more of a cue. She flew forward and punched the hovering dinosaur in its midsection as hard as she could.

The plesiosaur flew upward, its neck and flippers flailing wildly. This only lasted for a second, though, as it brought its long neck and its jaws down on Amy. Not prepared for its speed, Amy winced as the jaws pressed against her, but the teeth did not break her skin.

Future Girl flew forward and grabbed the creature by its snakelike neck. She tried tried to pull its head away, but it would not budge. Instead, it pulled Amy along with her.

"What's the plan?" Future Girl asked, with both arms wrapped around the creature's neck.

"Straight up," Amy said. "Through the ceiling and into the sky. It's the best way to save all these people and the museum's treasures."

"Good thinking." Future Girl pulled the creature upward, andAmy felt herself pulled along with it, as the beast refused to let go of itstoothy grip on Amy's arm.

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Next: Famous for a lot of things. 

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