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After the head's up from Lily, Alec asked Maia's pack and the Institue to keep an eye out for anything that matched the description from Zeke. It was brought up a few nights later when they had a meeting at the New York Institute, each head figure gathered around the dining table as they talked about recent events. This mostly included Lily as the head of the Vampires, Maia for the werewolves, Magnus, Maryse, Jace, and Alec himself. Clary had the option to come, but she was doing something with Simon that night, leaving Jace unsupervised. Isabelle was watching Max in one of the other rooms, getting her "aunt time". Alec mostly lead the meetings unless there was something specifically related to Clave business or something solidly important.

"Has there been any news about our current mystery person?" Alec asked into the room.

Lily shook her head and Maia seemed to be pondering something. Maryse also seemed to be thinking, but she did a lot of that nowadays. Jace raised his hand like a schoolchild before speaking.

"You mean the one with the creepy shadow powers and weird sword, or a different mystery person?" Jace asked.

Alec gave Jace a flat look, and Jace raised his hands, a smirk on his face. After another moment of silence, the meeting proceeded.

"Anything else unusual recently that we should discuss." Alec asked.

"There's been a lot of ghosts recently." Maia announced, "but..."

"But, what?" Lily asked.

"They vanish quickly. Massive groups sometimes, there have also been sightings of some... less friendly spirits, but quickly after they appear, sometimes by the next night, they're all gone. All of these locations smell... off for a bit afterward too... like death and danger." Maia explained, pausing to search for words when she got to describing the scent.

"Do you think it's related to Mr. Mystery?" Jace asked, messing with something in his hands, something reflective.

"Could be," Magnus added.

"I've done a bit of research in the library on the matter," Maryse said, catching everyone's attention.

Alec was surprised, his mother usually left things alone unless there was an explicit danger.

"On the weapon in particular that Lily reported," she continued, "'Like a dark seraph blade, absorbing the light around it and clinging to the shadows', correct?" she asked, turning to Lily, who nodded.

"I had to trace back quite a few records, but few were of any help, nothing similar was mentioned. So, whoever this is, also claimed to be a reaper, so I looked into weapons associated... but I came up empty. It could be something new that we don't yet know about, or something more... sinister in nature. I hope for the former." Maryse said, eyes downcast as she finished.

"So we know this guy claims he's a "reaper", has a spooky sword, and does shadow magic. I also think he's linked to all the sudden ghost and spirit activity." Jace went on, counting the details on his fingers, "maybe he's helping, 'clearing up the place'." Jace shrugged.

"We should still make sure he isn't a threat, either way." Alec grumbled, then turned to Maia again, "Has a new group of ghosts popped up recently? If these things are related, we might be able to catch him there." Alec purposed.

"Yeah, actually," Lily hummed, "A bunch just appeared around an old theater downtown. It's been abandoned for a while."

"That used to be quite the place to go for a show, shame to the company went out of business." Magnus pouted.

"Would it work for an ambush?" Alec asked.

"Probably." Lily shrugged.

"Oh, boy, I love stakeouts." Jace groaned.

By The Angels (PJOxSH)Where stories live. Discover now