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Upon waking up, Nico felt a few things. The first being a potent headache, the second was annoyance at being kidnapped, and finally, a foreboding feeling about not telling Will after he snuck out. Normally, it was Percy's thing to get kidnapped, not his, but apparently, Percy had enough of his awful luck to spread around. Now, Nico was lying on the floor of a strange room, surrounded by some sort of barrier in an undisclosed location, captured by mystery people.

Nico decided to do the logical thing, and observe the room without shifting his body around since he didn't want to irritate his headache. The floor was hard stone, maybe marble or granite, and the whole room gave off a church feeling, the walls pale in color and wooden beams high above, a dark sky visible from sunroofs and a strange chandelier with glowing stones instead of lightbulbs or candles. The only thing Nico could tell was that someone was kind enough to give him a blanket to sleep on.

Nico slowly lifted himself and noticed another thing, his jacket was missing, and all of the things he kept in it, daggers, ambrosia, and his phone. From his stuff alone, you wouldn't be able to identify him since he didn't technically have an ID, being from the 1930s and all. But he didn't like people taking his stuff. They hadn't taken away his ring though, and it remained on its rightful place on his finger.

Nico did another look around the room and identified some new details. There were markings on the walls where some sorts of racks used to stand, scuffs on the floor, nicks in some of the wooden beams, a stray rope tied to one of the beams about 10 feet from the ground that served as lattices in the ceiling. This was some type of training room? Nico also spotted a table across the room, where his jacket was neatly laid out along with each of the things he stored in the pockets. Great, now the only thing they didn't have was his sword.

Nico shivered slightly, the cool air of the room raising goosebumps on his skin. Since he had wings, Nico had to... modify a few of his shirts, slicing horizontal slices across the shoulder to allow his wings to slip through without utterly destroying a portion of his wardrobe every time he used them. It exposed the air to his shoulders, but it normally didn't bother him since he wore his new jacket most of the time, the aviator he used to wear had been destroyed by his trans-Atlantic trip. He'd like a new one... but his main problem was the fact that he was trapped inside some sort of magical barrier.

He pushed his hand against it, finding it was warm to the touch, but then it rapidly heated after he left his hand there for a moment, burning him. Nico recoiled, trading his hand into his chest.

"It's hot, ya know." A voice called out to him.

Nico's head snapped toward the entrance, a familiar face standing there. The Golden Boy... well Nico guess that physically he was an adult, but whatever. In the light of the training room and now that he was standing still, Nico could finally get a good look at his attacker and kidnapper. He had golden hair, skin, and eyes, each a slightly different shade from the others. He had lost the jacket, revealing toned muscles marked with strange black markings Nico had never seen before. He wore tight pants, skinny jeans similar to the ones Nico himself wore and fitted boots. Nico could also make out pale scars against the other's skin, usually in similar shapes to the markings that decorated his body. Nico also had to suppress a blush at his attacker's appearance.

"So I've learned," Nico grumbled.


Jace was voted to go check on their current "guest of honor" who was currently trapped in an empty training room. When he entered the room, he didn't immediately notice him, so Jace didn't immediately make his presence known. He watched as the boy, which Jace realized he was... not really the highest level threat he had ever faced before, but yet again Jace thought he was pretty badass as a teenager. He knew better than to underestimate some 14-year-old boy.

By The Angels (PJOxSH)Where stories live. Discover now