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Nico was graciously yanked out of one of the few peaceful nights he'd had this week by a loud ding from his phone, the screen illuminated by a new alert. He sighed, of course, the dead don't sleep after all, which meant Nico gets to be sleep-deprived himself. Nico cursed under his breath and checked the time, it was around 2 am, so he cursed again, but graciously accepted the four hours of sleep he'd been granted that night. 

Nico checked the notification, just one, not a threat just lost and disoriented, somewhere near Lower Manhattan. He sighed and got dressed, throwing on his boots and grabbing for his new jacket, only to remember that the 'shadowhunters' still had it. Nico groaned, already feeling the loss of such an important article of clothing.  Nico fastened his sword to the chain at his waist and stuffed his jean pockets with a small vial of nectar, just in case. Nico knew better than to go out unprepared at this point, especially if the Nephilim were still after him. 

Nico slipped into the shadows and reappeared where he was supposed to be, a closed down cafe. The place looked like it had definitely seen better days, signs of a fire or something worse from behind the counter gave Nico a good understanding of why it closed, and who this ghost might be. 

She sat in a booth in the back, one of the few still intact, the faux leather worn and stained from time, and whatever creatures had taken up residency here in the years since this place had closed. She looked confused and disoriented as she glanced around, as though she had only just arrived in her strange location, one that was eerily familiar but also shockingly contrasted with memory. 

The cafe had been called "Suzzane's", but had been shut down suddenly due to a gas explosion, killing all the customers and employees inside at the time. That had been about 40 years ago. 

She suddenly realized that Nico was there and practically jumped from her seat to approach him, but he waved her to sit back down. 

"Where am I?" She asked, both hesitantly and nervously, somehow knowing he had the answers she wanted. Why else would he be here? 

Nico gave her a soft smile and slid into the booth opposite her, "You're just a bit lost, that's all."

She glanced around the room again, returning to him after a moment, "Who are you?"

"I'm someone whose here to make sure you get to where you're going. Like a guide," Nico explained, keeping his voice calm and level, so he wouldn't startle her. 

"Am I dead?" She asked, now self-conscious, glancing down at her hands. She seemed perfectly solid, but to an outsider, you could clearly see through her as if she was made of mist. 

Nico grasped her hand as she fidgeted, she seemed shocked by this, most ghosts were. 

"It's been a long time, but yes, you died." Nico explained, but she didn't go into any sort of shock, just sighed, accepting it, then she lifted her eyes to meet his. 

"Are you the angel whose going to take me to heaven?" She asked, and Nico almost let out a soft laugh, he had been dealing with Nephilum lately, after all. 

"If that's what you want to call me, then sure." 

Nico went into his pocket and pulled out two drachmas, and then set them into the palm of her hand. Then he got up from the booth, walked over to her side, and offered his hand to help her up. 

"Are you ready to go?" Nico asked. 

Hesitantly she nodded, but then looked at the coins in her hand, "I guess, but what are the coins for?"

"They're for the man at the desk. Also, tell him Nico sent you, and he'll be sure to be polite." Nico gave her another soft smile, and she just nodded, accepting everything he said. 

By The Angels (PJOxSH)Where stories live. Discover now