Taken: Chapter 11

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"... Mommy? " I said amazed.
" Is it really you? " I asked as a tear dropped from my eye.
" Juliet? " She asked.
" Oh my God! " I said as I ran over and hugged her.
" Julie! " She said as she kissed my head crying.
Her voice was enchanting. I haven't heard it in years.
" Oh baby girl, you're so big! How old are you now? 13? " She asked me.
" Ya... Matt's 6 now... " I told her.
" Oh my gosh, last time I saw Matt he was only a baby! " She said.
" Ya, he always asks about you, " I told her.
" Oh dear, Baby girl what happened to you? You have bruises all over your face! And your feet! " She said worried.
I just looked down, and gave her a look.
" Really Dave?! " My mom yelled at him.
" Shes your daughter! " She had yelled at him.
" I'm sorry... I'm ashamed, " He said.
" Dave.. Can we go home now... " I asked.
" Please.. " I begged.
Dave looked down.
"... I don't know yet, " He said.
" Dave its been 6 years. I have been separated from my kids, my husband, my life for too long! " My mom yelled.
" Uh.. Mom about Dad... " I had said.
" What is it baby? " she asked.
" Well you see this scar on my face? Well Dad hit me... And he kicked Matt almost to death. Mom he broke Matt's arm... Dad's in jail for child abuse... " I explained.
" Oh my gosh... Dave we have to go home! I have to see my son! " She begged.
" Christina I've been separated from my daughter for almost 14 years! " He explained.
" I love her! " Dave said.
" Then why'd you hurt me? Why did you try and kill my mom?! " I asked.
" I was angry Juliet! You know who you really are? Your name is Lucy Maranne Harold, your the daughter of Dave Harold, and Christina Kelson, you have a half brother named Matt, and you once lived in Salem, Oregon. You were born there! "
My ears were pierced with lies. I just had to leave.
" If you really loved me, you'd let me leave... " I told him.
" I'm so sorry Juliet, but I can't let you get away again, " he told me.
" Dave, Juliet has been through so much... please. I miss my family, " Mom pleaded.
" Why do you even want to go back! We can start over! " He offered.
" David! I have a son, and a husband! I started over! Remember? You left me! " She said.
" Wait.. Dave you said she left you, " I said.
" Well I mean not exactly... " He said.
" So you didn't want me? " I asked with tears.
" Juliet you have to understand I was only 18, "
" Well I don't understand! You go off, and you kidnapp me! You say you love me, when all along you were the one that didn't want me in the first place! If you ever think you will get me back then keep dreaming! " I said.
When he said he loved me, I really believed he loved me. I really did. He was my Dad.
Not anymore
Definition of lie:
David Harold.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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