Chapter 20

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"Woahhh !! This is so cool."

Taehyung smiled as he watched his bestfriend gasping at his gift.
"You like it?"

"Of course I love it. Thank you Taehyungie."
Jimin looked too happy to see the gift way more than Taehyung imagined.

"No need to thank me. I thought you wouldn't like it."

"Who will not like this? This is so cool. Even if I couldn't go to Malta, I can at least brag about this glass specially from Malta, right?"
Jimin winked at Taehyung who could just laugh at him.

It was the next day after they came back and Jungkook probably went for work already while Taehyung couldn't wait to give his bestfriend the gift he bought for him, so he came to Jimin's house early morning and he's very much satisfied with Jimin's reaction.

"Had breakfast?"
Jimin asked as he keep his gift carefully on his shelf.

"Yeah. I had with Jungkook in home."

Jimin turned back when Taehyung casually answered while playing games with his phone.
"Ah. Ok. I thought of making something for you if you haven't."
He sat down next to Taehyung who just smiled at him.
"Hey. I haven't ask you something more important."

Taehyung just nodded with his eyes still on his phone.

"How was your trip? Was it fun? Did you enjoy?"

Taehyung's eyes sparkled when Jimin mentioned about his trip as he remembered his time in Malta. He kept his phone away and start telling about all the things he did in Malta excitedly.
But what Jimin found different was the way Taehyung told the stories. Whenever Taehyung tell stories about his trips or anything, he usually tell only about himself and the places he went. But this time, Taehyung kept telling only about Jungkook, how Jungkook came search for him when he got lost, how Jungkook didn't let him go alone, how Jungkook took him to different places, how Jungkook helped him in taking pictures and videos, how he spent his time Jungkook, everything was about Jungkook.
Jimin could clearly see how those eyes were beaming with joy while talking about Jungkook. He looked more happier.

"So... It looks like you're getting along with your husband well, hmm?"

"Yeah. He's actually nice... if not him being annoying sometimes."
Taehyung grinned.

Jimin kept staring at him thinking about how Taehyung actually didn't reacted on him calling Jungkook as his husband like he used to. Is he thinking too much? Or... did the two of them already fall in love while going for honeymoon? Should he ask directly? Or should he just ignore the fact that Taehyung really said Jungkook is nice and didn't bother calling him his husband?

"Oh yeah. Jungkook is really good at taking videos. I'll show you everything he filmed once I finish editing those videos. You're gonna love it."

Jimin smiled.
He chose to just let his questions slide for the time being.
He didn't want to ruin his bestfriend's happy mood yet.


"How can you do this to me Jungkook? You really didn't bring anything for me?"

Jungkook massaged his forehead as Hoseok was nagging since when he came to the office.
He actually brought something for him but just when he was about to give him, Hoseok started to ask for his gift so he just wanted to tease him a bit more by saying he forgot to buy anything for him. But he never expected the older would actually nag on him for his gift.

"Have you forgotten me already now that you're married? It's not fair. And you didn't even let me meet your man even for once. Is he that pretty? It's not like I'll take him from you."

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