Part 6

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   TW for mentions of abuse. Nothing too graphic, but here is a warning just in case

    Walking into class the next day was not easy.        
        You had woken up feeling like you had been run over by six trucks and then thrown in a river. You had slept horribly, your neck bending at a weird angle and giving you one more painful body part to worry about. When you woke up, you felt sick. Physically sick. Like when you were a little kid and you woke up feeling groggy with your head feeling like it was filled with a thousand cotton balls.  You wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and have somebody bring you soup while you watched reruns of old cartoons on TV. It was a struggle putting on a pair of jeans, and you gave up when they were to your knees, opting for a pair of sweatpants instead. Fuck it. Your ass was too sore to be restricted by tight fabric, and the soft fabric of the sweats against your aching butt felt like heaven. Walking was hard too. You considered walking to class, but realized after descending one flight of stairs that it would be impossible. You called an uber.
The real pain in the ass, of course, was walking into your Art History class and being greeted with your professor. Kylo fucking Ren. You didn't know what you expected, but you had hoped that by some sort of miracle, he would not be teaching the class today. That was stupid, of course, and he was sitting right there, leaning back in his chair, fiddling around with a pen. He looked stunning, and he turned to the door just as you walked in, your eyes meeting. You wished he didn't exist at this very moment. You wished you could forget about how well he had fucked you and how good he had made you feel. You wished you could look into his eyes without picturing him towering above you, ready to fuck you senseless. Of course all your wishing meant nothing, and you couldn't do that. You couldn't look at him without thinking of every dirty thing you wanted to do to him. You rolled your eyes, trying to act unbothered, but almost stumbled when trying to walk to your seat. You had a limp.
Kylo noticed of course. The sly smirk that he wore on his face was enough to get you angry all over again. He was irritating. He enjoyed your humiliation. He enjoyed knowing he had fucked you so hard it left an impression. Kylo Ren was like the biggest reddest pimple that appeared on the tip of your nose on the day of school pictures. His eyes followed you your seat near the front. You would've done anything to avoid being near the professor at this very moment, but you also were not about to break the unspoken rule in the class. Sit in the same seat you normally did. You weren't about to piss everyone off just because the sight of your professor made your blood boil.
You had a pop quiz that day, on 'Las Meninas'. It was easy, and you were maybe the second or third person to finish. You brought your piece of loose leaf paper to the professors desk, not sparing him a single glance as you placed it down into the finished assignments box. You could feel his eyes on you, but refused to give him the power of knowing you were thinking of him too. If you looked up at him now, you would melt. He would be able to see how flustered you got just from him looking at you. You walked back to your seat without a second thought.
Kylo wasn't sure what to think. He noticed you giving him a cold shoulder, but couldn't pinpoint why. He had been gentle with you. He had made sure he respected you and that you enjoyed everything just as much as him. You were begging for him to fuck you, for gods sake. And it's not like you wouldn't safe word if you had to, because you did. He didn't understand what the problem was, and as much as he tried to convince himself he didn't care, it was nagging at him. Eating away at the insecure parts of his brain that he liked to keep hidden. Those little parts of his brain that became bigger and bigger as more time passed, rotting any good thoughts he had from the inside out.

"Alright everyone, have a nice weekend, class is dismissed early," Kylo spoke with little care. Your felt lucky to have been able to see some sort of emotion in the man, like it was a privilege. You quickly shook the thought out of your head. It was not a privilege to interact with him, because he wasn't some sort of god. You cursed your head for portraying him as having more power than you, once again. Of course if you yourself believed you were inferior to him, he would too. It was that same mindset that turned you into a begging mess for him. It was going to change.

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