Part 7

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     "Come to bed with me bunny," Kylo grumbled into your neck. You had been sitting on his lap for a while now, making sure he was okay. He seemed to have regained his confidence from before. It was as if nothing had happened. Were you going to talk about those kisses? How Kylo had broken his own rules?

     "Can't, have to study for this stupid ass test you decided to give us on Monday," you rolled your eyes.  One of Kylos hands quickly made its way into your hair, gripping it lightly.

       "Watch it princess," he whispered into your ear, his voice husky and deep, like he had just woken up from a nap. Maybe he had in a way. He had snapped back so quickly from submitting to you, to regular old 'in charge' Kylo.  You got flustered, and considered letting him know, but you were too worn out from before to do anything.

    "You can stay here," he continued, "ill help you study. If anything it's an advantage for you,"

     Ugh, he was so cocky. 

    "Thats not fair to everybody else, don't you think?"

    "I grade everybody the same way, I give you no special treatment, and I'm not going to help you cheat. Any other student could ask for help, but they don't. The only unfair thing here is the fact that," he lowered his voice, whispering in your ear once again, "you get my cock inside you every once in a while. Maybe I should offer it to my other students too, make things fair. What do you think?"

    Your pushed back on his chest with your hands and made a disgusted face.

     "Ew, shut up," you said, sticking your tongue out in a faux disgusted manner as he chuckled.

     Without warning, Kylo stood up, picking you up with him, and he began walking to his room.  Once there, he placed you down on the bed. He unbuckled his pants and slipped them off, staying on his boxers. He handed you one of his shirts and slipped off your shoes and skirt. You slipped the shirt over your head, cherishing the softness of the fabric against your skin.

Kylo slipped into bed next to you, sitting with his back against the headboard as he turned on the tv. You snuggled in under the covers, taking in every sensation around you. This felt like a dream. It was so domestic. You knew in the back of your mind that this was just you two relaxing after that heavy session, but you also couldn't help but dream about doing this just because you could. Just because you both wanted to spend time together. A girl can dream.

You moved your hands over the cool sheets, feeling their soft fibers under your fingers, the friction giving you a little slice of heaven, momentary bliss. The diffuser next to Kylos bed filled your nose with the scent of sandalwood, and the smell relaxed you quickly. The little glow that came from it was relaxing too, and it lit up the room slightly as the sun set outside. You could still taste Kylo on your lips, and you could hear him breathing lightly next to you. You turned to look at him while he scrolled through shows on the TV. He ran a hand through his hair and pushed it back and out of his face. Your eyes skimmed over his side profile, tracing over his beautiful nose and plump lips. He was like a god. All of your senses were satisfied and at peace.

Kylo hit play on a random horror movie, and you sat up to watch it with him. You left space between you, not wanting to overstep any boundaries.

He's not your boyfriend, he's not your boyfriend, he's not your boyfriend.

You kept repeating the phrase in your head, hoping if you said it enough you would forget all about the urge to hold his hand. Maybe you could will yourself out of wanting to cuddle him. Maybe if you thought about it hard enough, you could kill off any trace of the feeling of butterflies that were blossoming in your gut.

The Garden of Earthly Delights- Kylo Ren Where stories live. Discover now