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  "Oh, but I do!" said bender Andrew archest his brow and say's "Yeah?" bender then said sarcastic "I wanna be just--like--you! I figure all I need's a labotamy and some tights!" Johnson becomes interested." You wear tights?" Andrew then said to Brian" No I don't wear tights, I wear the required uniform..." then i said " Tights..."

 Andrew gets defensive "Shut up!" we hear Vernon moving around out in the hall so Bender quickly comes and sits in the chair between Claire and Andrew. He folds his hands on the table. Vernon goes back into his office. Bender laughs and gets up. He starts walking towards the double doors that separate the library from the hallway.

"Drop dead, I hope!" ' real nice attitude Andrew' Johnson looks up. Bender is messing with the door to the library john then spoke again " Bender, that's, that's school property know, it doesn't belong to us. It's something not to be toyed with." The door slams shut. Bender runs back to his seat. then i said seriously " That's very funny, come on, fix it!" Johnson agreed with me and said "You should really fix that!" bender then said.

"Am I a genius?" both me and Andrew bother said, "No, you're an ass hole!" we both look at one another and bender then said " What funny people!" then i said " listen, im in enough trouble as it is!" he smirked at me finally being able to get on my nerves Andrew then said "Fix the door, Bender,!" bender then said

 " Everyone just shh!".then he continues "I've been here before, I know what I'm doing!" i slam my hand on the desk and stood up and looked at him in the eyes " fix that fucking door now," i said now through gritted teeth then said " No! Fix the door, get up there and fix it!" i sighed and said " give up!" bender then screamed making me jump "Shut up!" i looked over at Johnson as we hear Vernon in the hall.

" Goddammit!" He opens the door and storms in " Why is that door closed? he asked for a few seconds no one says anything, we just stare at Vernon. " Why is that door closed? he asked again bender then said "How're we s'posed to know? We're not s'posed to move, right?" Vernon turns to Claire and I.

" Why?" then i said "not sure sir i would tell you if i new.." bender looks at me and then Vernon looks at me and says " thats bullshit...who closed that door" he asked Claire me and bender bite our lip waiting for Claire answer "We were just sitting here like we were s'posed to..." i sighed quietly she looks at me and smiles Vernon looks around and looks at Bender. " Who closed that door?" he said for like the tenth time bender then said, " I think a screw fell out of it..." Andrew then said, " It just closed, sir..."

Vernon looks at the girl in the back. " Who?" she panics and lets out a very adorable squeak and slams her face onto the table, hiding in her jacket hood then i said taking heat off of her "She doesn't talk, sir..." Vernon looks to Bender "Give me that screw..." he turns to me " were is that fucking Screw!" both me and bender then said " I don't have it... "I saw how pissed of he was i gripped johns hand i was shaking a little as bad memories started flashing

I felt john gripped my hand tighter Vernon then said " You want me to yank you outta that seat and shake it out of you?" i looked at him and bender said "I don't have it...screws fall out all of the time, the world's an imperfect place..." 'nice answer john' Vernon then said "Give it to me, Bender..." then i said " Excuse me, sir, why would anybody want to steal a screw?"

Vernon looked to me and said "Watch it, young lady..." Vernon goes over to the door, He tries to hold it open by putting a folding chair in front of it. John and I both said in union "The door's way too heavy, sir." as predicted door slams shut despite the chair " Goddammit!" we hear Vernon said we all laugh and giggle

Vernon opens the door again He comes back in, Vernon walked back in and points to Andrew "Andrew Clark...get up here. Come on, front and centre, let's go." Andrew gets up unwillingly and walks over to Vernon "Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up, it'll be anarchy!" said john

Vernon and Andrew are now attempting to move the steel magazine rack in front of the door. "Okay, now, watch the magazines!" said Vernon bender then said " It's out of my hands..." i giggled they get it into the doorway and it blocks the entire door then i said "That's very clever sir, but what if there's a fire? I think violating fire codes and endangering the lives of children would be unwise at this juncture in your career, sir."

Vernon thinks about it he turns to Andrew " Alright, what are you doing with this? Get this outta here for God's sake! What's the matter with you? Come on!" then Johnson said " You know the school comes equipped with fire exits at either end of the library." Brian points at them and Bender glares at him and as always john has my back " Show Dick some respect!" Andrew and Vernon come back into the main section of the library.

Vernon then said to Andrew "Let's go...go! Get back into your seat." Andrew sits. Vernon says to Andrew "I expected a little more from a varsity Letterman!" 'ouch that harsh much poor Andy..." i frowned when he said that he looks to Bender and I "You're not fooling anybody, Bender! (L/N) The next screw that falls out is gonna be you!" Vernon turns to leave but bender didn't seem to be done.

bender mutter to himself but to Vernon too " Eat my shorts..." my gripped became tighter as Vernon spins in his tracks and faces Bender again " What was that?" he said bender then said loudly "Eat my shorts" i looked down and said "fuck" bender look over to me as Vernon said "You just bought yourself another Saturday, mister,!"

bender then said sarcastically " Oh, Christ..." then i mutter " john stop!" Vernon points to him and said " You just bought one more right there" john looks over to the side and then back at him "Well, I'm free the Saturday after that...beyond that, I'm gonna have to check my calendar!" Vernon then said " Good! 'Cause it's gonna be filled, we'll keep going'! Do you want another one? Say the word, just say the word! Instead of going to prison, you'll come here! Are you through?"

then i shouted " yes!" but bender then continued "No!" Vernon looks between me and Bender "I'm doing society a favour!" bend-- john answers " So?" i was trying so hard not to snap at john but Vernon just wanted to fight with him "That's another one, right now! I've got you for the rest of your natural-born life if you don't watch your step! Do you want another one?"

i gritted my teeth as bender say's "Yes!" i pinched my nose in annoyance Bender noticed this but didn't do anything to stop it " You got it! You got another one, right there! That's another one pal!" then I said a little worried " Cut it out!" when he looked at me I mouthed the word "Stop" to Bender then Vernon said, "You through?"

bender lets go of my hand as he leans forward "Not even close, bud!" 'ill admit it he was kinda sexy when pissed now that i had a good look at him he had medium length hair with a single silver streak he had brown eyes even though they were normal looking he had pretty eyes' i stopped ' wait did i think about John Bender like that?' 'shit this is looking bad

"Good! You got one more, right there!" bender then said, " Do you really think I give a shit?" Vernon then said "Another..." me and john glare at him "You through?" asked Vernon john looked over and said, "How many is that?"I gritted my teeth as i said "That's seven" then Johnson said, " including the one when we first came in and you asked Mr. Vernon here whether Barry Manilow knew that he raided his closet."

i shot him a glare and shrinks down Vernon then said to Bender " Now it's eight..." he turns to me and to Johnson "You stay out of it!" then Johnson said, "Excuse me, sir, it's seven!" Vernon shouted "Shut up, Peewee!" he turns to john " You're mine Bender...for two months I gotcha! I gotcha!"

Bender rolls his eyes and said " What can I say? I'm thrilled!" Vernon the said "Oh, I'm sure that's exactly what you want these people to believe. Do you know something, Bender? You ought to spend a little more time trying to do something with yourself and a little less time trying to impress people. You might be better off."

he looks to everyone and said " Alright, that's it! I'm going to be right outside those doors. The next time I hafta come in here... I'm cracking skulls!" john and I both mouthed "I'm cracking skulls" art annoyed with Vernon, Vernon leaves and closes the door Bender screams "Fuck you!" just at the door closed making me jump he looks at me and i looked away somewhat embarrassed he looks over to the side and mutters a small 'fuck'. 

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