Die hard

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thing just got worst as bender said " Well hey Sporto! What'd you do to get in here?" but i wasn't any better i started giggling and said " maybe he Forget to wash your jock?" bender burst out laughing then Johnson said nervously " Uh, excuse me, fellas? I think we should just write our papers..." everyone ignores him Andrew looks to me and Bender said " Look, just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass...so knock it off!" then i said mockingly " im hurt sporto"

 Bender mockingly registers pain in his face. "It's a free country..." he said Claire the said to Andrew "there just doing it to get a rise out of you! Just ignore them..." bender then said to Claire "Sweets...you couldn't ignore me if you tried!" Claire rolls her eyes then I said "So...so!" i said to Andrew and Claire " Are you guys like boyfriend/girl- friend?" i smirked and continued "Steady dates?"i looked between both of them and say's "Lov---ers?" they both ignore Me until i said said towards Andrew " Come on Sporto, level with me. Do you slip her the hot...beef... injection?" Benders jaw dropped at a let out a breathy laugh, Claire and Andrew turn to face me both furious. Clare screams at Me as i was smirking finally getting the reaction i wanted.

i mean i tend to keep a clean record but it was way to much fun making fun of the popular bender was smirking at me  " Go to hell!" but she wasn't the only one who screamed something Andrew then said " Enough!" then we all hear Vernon yell " Hey! What's going on in there?" when no one said anything he says to himself 

" Smug little pricks!" i scoffed and mutter " ass hole.." we all look at each other. Andrew turns away from me. Andrew mutter to himself "Scumbag!" Bender stands up and walks over to the railing. He sits on it. " What do you say we close that door. We can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking us out every few seconds." i laughed a little when i herd Johnson say very awkwardly "Well, you know the door's s'posed to stay open..." bender shrugs and so did i "So what?" asked john Andrew then said "So why don't you just shut up! There are five other people in here you know..." 

even though i was kinda a jerk three seconds ago saw Andrew smile at me and i smile back bender then said sarcastically "God, you can count. See! I knew you had to be smart to be a...a wrestler." then i said, " oh gosh this is gonna get ugly.." Claire nodded at me agree with me "Who the hell are you to judge anybody anyway?" said Andrew Claire and i nodded agreeing with Andrew "Really..." she said Andrew then said "You know, Bender...you don't even count. I mean if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school I mean at least (Y/N) can be someone decent" 'ouch poor john' i though, then i said " that was a little harsh andy..." he looks at me and gives a small apologetic look i then look at Bender who is probably upset at this and he pauses a moment before speaking. He doesn't let his emotions out, however.

"well it just runs off and going the wrestling team," bender said looking between Andrew and Claire " maybe the prep-club too! student council..." they both laugh and said " no one would take you." he places his hand on his chest and says " im hurt!" then Claire said " you know why you and (L/N) people like you knock everything...." then i rolled my eyes and said " oh this should be stunning" she turns to both me and bender and say's " its cause your afraid."

i laughed and so did bender " honey you don't know what true fear is until you witness it" bender continues my mockery " Oh god! your Richie's are so smart. that's exactly why me and (Y/N) aren't heavy in Activities!" i laughed and he smirks at me Claire gets mad and said " you have nothing but bipolar and you're a coward!" she says pointing between me and bender Johnson feel's left out and say's " im in the maths club" i looked at him but when back to looking at Claire.

"See you're afraid that they won't take you. you too don't belong so you too just dump all over it..." i rolled my eyes and said, " wow you really did let popularity get the best of you, you're being a real bitch" she glares at me and bender continues "well... it wouldn't have anything to do with you Activities people being Ass holes.. now would it?" I nodded to agree with john " Well you wouldn't know... you don't even know any of us" i smirked and said "I do though we used to be friends remember" she looks at me and said " you dont know me now! i have changed since then" i rolled my eyes " yeah i noticed" bender then says " well, i dont' know any lepers either, but I'm not gonna run out and join their fucking clubs" Andrew gets mad and said " hey! let watch the mouth, huh?"

Johnson once again feels lefts out and said" im in the physic club too" bender looks at Claire says " Excuse me a sec" he looks at Johnson " what are you babbling about?" Johnson then said " well... im in the maths club and the Latin club and the physic club... physic club," he said bender and I nodded at him and turn back to Claire "hey cheery.. do you belong in the physic club?" Claire then say's " its an academic club..." John and i both said in union" so?" he looks at me and then back at Claire " so... academic clubs aren't the same as other kinds of clubs" she said.

"oh, but to dorks like him...." johns said pointing to Johnson "they are!" he turns to Johnson and said "what do you guys do in your clubs?" Johnson thinks about it and say's " in physic, um, we uh... we talk about physic" i cut him off by saying " you don't say!" he looked kind of embarrassed and continues "about properties of physics" bender then said " so is it social... demented and sad, but social right?" Johnson then said " yeah, well, I guess you could consider it social situation. I mean there are other children in my club and uh, you know, a big banquet, at, at the Hilton." bender then asked, " you load up, you party.." Johnson shakes his head and said " well, no, we get dressed up... i mean, but, we don't.... we don't get high."

Claire then said " only burner like you get high" then i said "there is nothing wrong with getting high i hear it can cure cancer!" they all look at me " what i like to research as im smoking" i laughed a little Johnson continues his little rant " and, uh, i didn't have any shoes. so I had to borrow my dad's. it was kinda weird to wear other people's shoes. and, uh, my cousin Kent.... my cousin Kendall from, Indiana... he got high once and you know, he started eating like really weird foods. and uh, and then he just you know, kinda like, you know 'twilight zone' kinda." I giggled a little and Claire said Towards bender " sound like you.

" then Andrew said, " look, you guys keep your talking and Vernon's gonna come right in here... i got a meet this Saturday and im not gonna miss it on account of you boneheads..." the bender say's " oh wouldn't that be a bite.." then bender and i let out a fake moan of agony and i said " missing a whole wrestling meet!" bender and i smirked at one another if no one new people would think were dating with the similar way we act 

"well you wouldn't know anything about it, faggot! you too never competed in your whole life" then i shout " how the fuck would you know! you dont now the bull shit i when through so instead of calling us a faggot maybe get to now us! you low life ass hole you have nothing better to do than to make fun of people who are lower than you and you call us useless!"

he glares at me but bender places a hand on my shoulder and says "Oh, I know... I feel all empty inside because of it. i have such a deep admiration for guys that roll around on the floor with other guys" then i laughed and said" well that sound pretty gay" then he said " ahh, you'd never miss it. your dont have any goals".

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