Hey, It's me again.
We are all the same in some sorts of ways. We all want more from this life and we strive for more out of this world. We are never truly satisfied.
My friend Adam and I wanted more. We dreamed of more when we were together. There was so much we wanted to do together before the mysterious "end". He always said he would cheat the death factor, and I mean in a way I guess he did. Adam was far from the time he gave himself. And nowadays all i dream about is how i wish i had more time with my best friend.
We all get tested everyday and some of us do better than others. I know a lot of the time i fail most of the tests life has to throw at me. I'm a chemically failed lab rat, remember. I'm not supposed to know what to do. I was put into this world as a trial test. There isn't enough time in this world to fix something as broken as I am. The only one who understood that was Adam. He wasn't perfect either, the only difference between him and I was his differences caused him pain. Adam taught me we were part of a beautiful chemical mistake. Our differences caused our time in this extraordinary journey to be more precious. They forced him to unplug his clock though and just like that all time stopped.
I don't know how to explain our bond in ways that would ever help you understand. We were science experiments and even science can fuck you over sometimes ive learned. We grew up in a factory with other experiments. Our cells were excluded from the rest though. We knew it was so we wouldn't have a chance to corrupt the well bonded projects. We went to meetings with them and we had the same break times with them but we weren't allowed to actually talk to them. in some ways were considered lower class compared to the well chemically put together lab rats.
To help your fagil mind wrap around what i'm getting at, we are all basically robots. we did what the heads in suits told us and if we ever tried anything other than what they wanted us to they pulled the plug causing our time here in the factory to stop.
Time has always been a unique curiosity to me. Adam and I would talk about it in our hideout for hours after our meetings. We talked about what might be on the other side of the electric gates that shadowed from a distance. We had so many dreams about what might be further than the electric distance and we wanted to explore it together. But the time was never right and now dreams are all they will ever be. Now that I think about it, more time is only something we can dream about but never truly have.
Now the only time i can i have with Adam is in my dreams. He's gone physically but when i dream i can feel him right by me like he never left at all.
Tell Me To Stay...
Cerita PendekAzariah's going through a lot during the loss of her only friend, so she writes out these letters. Each letter explains a different topic although still all relevant to the main one, the fact that her best friend died and it was unjustified. The let...