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Rouge dropped Sonic and Shadow off at the house and they waved as the bat drove off and blew a kiss. Sonic remained silent until Shadow started walking towards his front door. "Why are you letting me stay with you?" Sonic asked as Shadow unlocked the door.

Upon walking in, he held the door for Sonic and shut it when the blue hedgehog walked in. "Well," He began, his hands moving to pull his tie off. "I felt like I owed you. I do have my unnecessary need to be an asshole and while I had my doubts, you did great tonight."

Sonic felt nervous. He never really experienced anything like that and if he did, he hid it well with his well-known grin, but he was alone with Shadow in his house! This was like another dream come true. There's no way. He has to be dreaming.

Shadow pulled his suit jacket off and left it at that, putting them on the counter. Sonic soon copied him and set his stuff aside, a smile forming across his muzzle as he tried to hide how flustered he was. "Oh, well.. thanks! That's nice."

The black hedgehog nodded before grabbing the tv remote and turning the TV on. They both sat down.

"I'm reporting live from Green Hill Manor.."


Rouge stared at her TV screen. She was sitting on her couch, dress shoes discarded and her gloves had been thrown somewhere. Had she heard this news report right?

"G.U.N agents responded to a call of a bomb threat and went in undercover to save the Manor. While their mission was successful, the culprit in question has escaped from his restraints and is on the run.

He's a tall, green hedgehog last seen wearing a green and black tuxedo with black boot cut jeans. If you have any information on him or where he could be heading, contact authorities immediately. I'm Cassidy Chase, Channel 6 News."

Rouge wanted to break her TV, but shifted her attention immediately when her phone started ringing.


Shadow had told Sonic he could sleep in his bed tonight and explained that he'd be staying up a bit later to do something. In reality, he was calling Rouge like he told Sonic he wouldn't do.

"I promise I won't call Rouge about it and I won't leave. Okay?"

"I just don't want you getting hurt for unnecessary reasons, Shadow."

"And I appreciate it, but I will do what I have to do."

"I know. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Sonic."

Part of Shadow wanted to go upstairs and fall asleep beside Sonic, but he knew he couldn't do that. The black hedgehog had went back on his promise and called Rouge, anticipating when she'd pick up.

"I already know, handsome. Should we get going?"

"Be quiet about it and don't honk your horn when you show up."

"I got you, boo."

Shadow rolled his eyes and closed his phone. He looked down and decided he still looked pretty decent. He still had his pants and button up on, so he should be fine.

The hedgehog grabbed a piece of paper, a pen and began writing.

'Dear, Sonic

I know what I said and I'm sorry I went against what you said. Don't worry about me, I'm not alone and I'll be back soon. Help yourself to whatever you may like in the fridge.


As he set the note on the counter and saw headlights shine through his window, Shadow slipped out the door and got in Rouge's car. She quickly sped off before asking him, "Where should we start?"

"Ugh, he could've had a plan for this. Scourge could've had an escape plan for the chance that he might get caught. If Miles had worked alongside him, he could be back at Moebius by now."

Rouge nodded as she turned down a street. In all honesty, there'd be no way they could find Scourge in just her car, but the bat saw that Shadow needed a moment to think.

So, she's changing the subject.

"You know, I see the way you look at him."


"Sonic." Rouge grinned, her gloved hands tenderly grabbing the steering wheel as she drove.

"Look, I get it. He doesn't like me, I don't blame him, I-"

"Are you kidding me? Handsome, he let you pick him up by his waist and spin him around! He blushes whenever he stands next to you. Don't tell me you're that blind."

Shadow stared out the passenger side window, his hands clasped together as he slowly shifted his attention to Rouge. ".. I guess I am. Does this mean..?"

"You've been an asshole to Sonic all this time just to cover up the fact that you like him." Rouge concluded as she parked in front of Shadow's house.

"... Holy shit."

"You should get inside. It looks like your company is awake."


Shadow nodded towards Rouge and got out of her car, jumping to the door and walking inside. Sonic walked down the stairs, his arms crossed over his chest. "Gee, I thought you'd listen for once."

"Sonic, I- look, I know what I said. I'm sorry,  but hey, I'm okay. I'm not hurt." Was he reassuring Sonic or himself?

Sonic finally reached the bottom of the stairs and walked towards Shadow, his arms falling to his side.

"I know. You're stubborn, but that's okay. I like that about you." Shadow's heart skipped a beat. Did he hear that right? Sonic liked Shadow's stubbornness? The black hedgehog shifted his gaze from Sonic's eyes to Sonic's lips. Was Shadow really contemplating.. kissing him, again?

What was he waiting for?


oooooooo im almost near the end!!!!! YEEAAAHHHHH

next chapter will be the two gayhogs confessing their feelings and things MAY get heated ya never know ;)

cant believe i managed to shorten this book by a chapter. hope you all don't mind!
once i get the next chapter up, ill republish the bonus chapter and then it'll be done! :D


i don't dance • sonadow [completed + rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now