Chapter 3

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Feeling small kicks in my tummy, my eyes flickered open to the morning light. Waking up, I felt a slight slope beside me that I never woke up to. It was only 'till then that I realized that my Daehyun was fast asleep. I grinned at the fact of having my boyfriend back in bed.

I leaned in to plant a small kiss on his forehead. My eyes moved to his neck, realizing that there were more spots on his skin. I furrowed my eyebrows at the mysterious spots. I felt a little worried, so I gently woke Daehyun up from his sweet sleep.

"Morning!" he smiled in his raspy, morning tone that I absolutely loved.

I gave him a big smile before questioning him about the spots on his neck. "There are more spots."

His gaze slowly met his neck and he too began to look worried. "I--I don't know, doesn't matter."

I moved my mouth to one side and thought hard. "I think you should check with the doctors, just in case."

"It's fine, really." Daehyun calmly sighed with a smile, being his usual tranquil self.

I didn't think it was a good idea to not check up. It could've been anything; skin infection, skin cancer, anything. I couldn't risk our hopeful future together to be perfect if I had constant worries for him.

"Wha--what if the spots lead to bad illnesses that could harm you?" I slowly pointed out.

He let out a sigh as he lifted his back off the bed and laid both his hands on my shoulders. "There's nothing to worry about. You shouldn't worry about i--"

"What--what if you don't get to see the baby?" I softly said, looking down at the painful thought.

Daehyun pasued and lifted my chin up for us to lock eyes. "Okay, we'll check with the doctors."


"Jung Daehyun!" the receptionist at the doctors called out.

Daehyun stood up before me, holding out his hand to help me up off the seat. We held hands as we were escorted into the doctor's office.

Entering the office, I took in the clean essence and the brightness of the walls and the light coming through the blinds. The doctor, Doctor Millard, as read on his name tag welcomed us in and gestured us to the two seats infront of his desk.

"Okay, so what's the problem?" the doctor asked, taking his wheelie chair and leaning in with support of his elbows.

"There are these spots on his neck and we don't know if there much harm or not." I explained, tilting Daehyun's head up to show the doctor the spots.

The doctor leaned in closer to take a look at the spots for a few seconds before slightly raising his eyebrows. "Ah, these spots are actually moles and they don't look very nice."

Daehyun stroked the top of my hand with his thumb. I knew he was scared. Whenever he was scared he would always start to fidget and move around a lot. I felt worried for Daehyun, probably as worried as he felt at the time. My other hand reached over to stroke his hand.

"Is there anything you could do to heal them?" I asked the doctor with hope.

"I will need to have some samples for a skin specialist to see." The doctor replied as he removed his glasses off his nose.

"Alright." Daehyun agreed.

The doctor instructed him to sit on the bed while the doctor took a few photos of the moles on his neck. "Alright, I'll see you in a couple or so days."

Our Goodbye - Daehyun (B.A.P) Mini SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now