Chapter 4

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Daehyun and I quietly sat snuggled together on the sofa as Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo snoozed off in their own litle space to sleep. Daehyun and I took this chance to share a peaceful time as the baby started to kick and move.

"Aw, look at it!" Daehyun softly said with a big smile as he gently placed his hand on my tummy to feel the bumps. I let out a small and excited chuckle as he faced me for a short time before looking out for more of the baby's movements.

The phone went off, waking everybody else up and making me jump. Having to get used to it, I automatically began to stand up to answer the phone. Daehyun grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down to sit as he went to answer the phone.

"Hello?" He said before a bundle of other words were muffled. "Ah, okay, we'll see you there, bye."

"Who was that?" I asked as he walked back into the living room. The boys who had just woken up let out yawns and stretches.

"The doctor called us to go check up with him." Daehyun explained as he put on a shirt, covering up his progressing built body.

"Arasso." I sighed as I attempted to get up from the sofa.

"Whoa, whoa noona!" Zelo said in an alerted tone as he shot up to help me up. I gave him a thankful smile and a kiss on his cheek. He put on his childish smile as he stroked his cheek.

"Kaji!" Daehyun smiled as he lead me out the front door.

"Wait, why do you need to go to the doctors?" I heard Yongguk ask just after Daehyun shut the door, ignoring him.


"Ah, please take a seat, this won't take too long." Doctor Millard ordered us as he sat on his own seat.

Daehyun and I sat on the two familiar seats and held onto eachother's hand as it was becoming a habit.

The doctor tapped his finger on his desk with an unsure look then let out a sigh. "The moles are obvious symptoms of skin cancer."

Daehyun's face began to loosen as he blinked a few times in disbelief.

"Your tan seems to have some kind of connection." the doctor pointed out, sitting back on his seat.

Daehyun gazed down and shook his head, letting out a disappointed sigh. "In Seoul I went to get tanned with Yongguk a lot." He scoffed and shook his head again, his head still hanging down.

"Hmm..." the doctor nodded his head, listening to Daehyun's little explanation.

"What happens now?" I nervously asked, as I began to shake our clutched hands together.

"I need to take some blood tests to see if there are any signs of melanoma spreading through your blood." Doctor Millard exlained, tapping his pen on his chin.

Daehyun was instructed to be sat on the bed as the doctor injected him with needles. Daehyun watched without hesitating like he had been doing it consistantly. I watched the blood slowly increase in the small tube, everytime the doctor would inject him.

"Ah, good. We'll finish examining by tomorrow." The doctor explained, gently shaking a tube of Daehyun's blood.

"Thank you." Daehyun said with a weak smile.

We left the doctors and this time I felt more stressed and uneasy.

'How could he be so stupid to burn his precious skin with the sun?' I questioned myself as I shook my head to the ground.

"I hope everythi--"

"Why couldn't you just put on sunscreen or wear more clothes or something?" I snapped, expecting it to only be spoken in my mind.

Our Goodbye - Daehyun (B.A.P) Mini SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now