The Beach by Revere

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I decided to follow Vanessa on her social medias. Now I know what you're thinking, Gage, you don't use social medias, and you're right, I sure as shit do not. But, one, I need to know more about this woman if I'm supposed to be looking after her and two, well harmless curiosity I guess.

Except it's not so harmless cause some of the shit she posts is... Well I'm surprised her husband lets her get away with it, and not so surprised she has that many followers I'll leave it at that.

She has a fan base and she posts like she's famous which I never thought about but she kinda is. She's been in movies and television and her face is on half the billboards in Boston. Ok maybe she's more than just kinda famous.

I get a message pop up nukagirlnessie has followed you back. I don't know why, ain't like I post shit. Nor do I much intend to. And now she's messaging me:

-Thanksies for the username inspo honey bunny! <3 totally had to change it right away!
⊂   ノ    ・゜+.
しーJ   °。+ *'¨)
  .· '¸.·*'¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·' (¸.·'*

-your welcome

Is that a fucking cat?

-wrong *you're, honey!

Someone who uses the word inspo and sends cats is really gonna comment on my fucking spelling. I decide not to reply.

She posts a lot, and I can imagine she ain't gonna be so willing to change that. It makes my job harder cause it means if someone's looking to find her it ain't gonna be so hard. I mean, just last night she posted a picture of her and Mags at some fancy club, and even tagged the location. I'm a little surprised Nate let her go out like that. I'm gonna have to stop looking cause she is like honest-to-God poison.

It is achingly hot. Like wanna-take-off-all-my-clothes-and-jump-into-a-river-even-though-i-hate-getting-wet hot.

Nobody answers the door when I knock. Boss'd already told me to just let myself in, I had a key. And after seeing the photos she posted last night, I assume she ain't gonna be moving much.

And for fuck's sake, the front door is unlocked. Honestly you'd think the girl was trying to get herself killed. "Vanessa?" I shut the door behind myself and lock it. The sounds of a shower running come from the other end of the house, so I decide to have a poke around the house.

Their room is front facing, with windows left open which I didn't notice before. You'd think after being attacked a woman would be more fucking careful, clearly not. Said room is clearly more Vanessa's than Nate's which makes sense cause he don't sleep here much. There are an excess of pillows and a lot of paintings of places signed by a "Maple.A". She also has a dress rack with loads of different outfits on and I'm assuming the closet is the same. I spot the leather Nuka Girl outfit from before.

The room opposite the bedroom was the bathroom, which was shut since she was in it. The only other room besides the laundry room had the door pulled to, not closed. I was expecting a dressing room or more clothes. I sure as shit weren't expecting a baby's room.

I'd forgotten they'd had a baby. A boy I think. I don't know what happened, Boss never told me what happened, it was around the time he was working a lot with William Black, about a year ago. Just assumed he was too messed up over it all to be honest.

The furniture had a layer of dust. It made me feel kinda uncomfortable so I left the room, shutting the door behind me. I hadn't realised the shower had been turned off.

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