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By now, Lisa hadn't seen Taehyung for more than a month.

After Taehyung sent the recording to her mailbox that day, she hadn't heard from him for a week.

He sent her a voice mail a week later.

[Back in Korea because something happened at home.]

She had sent some other stuff to him, but he didn't respond. Though Lisa was a little worried, she thought that she was not in a position to ask. So she quietly kept her worries to herself.

Progress on the audio drama <Ting Yin Gu> moved forward smoothly. Lisa, one of the lead roles, was encouraged by V Da Da's professionalism. She changed her habit of procrastinating and began working very seriously and diligently on recording and recording retakes. The director Kim Seokjin, a member of the studio, heard that Rośe had gotten the god V on board, and began working like crazy reviewing the sound recordings. Then he and Rośe each made another copy of V's recording for their personal collection. They took out their personal collection to listen occasionally.

"We will be famous! We will be famous!" This was what Seokjin and Rośe had been shouting around in the production group chat.

They hadn't made it public yet that V would be the lead actor. But the information would definitely go viral in the internet voice over groups when it was announced. Wouldn't the fact that big god V, who had been on hiatus for quite some time, had come back to do an audio drama make lots of fanboys and fangirls go into a frenzy?

Lisa didn't care much whether the drama became popular or not. Every release would always have mixed reviews. She would be satisfied as long as she had done her best and improved her voice acting technique. She didn't quite understand what being famous or popular was like.


A week before Thanks giving break, Lisa had looked up to the sky and sighed for the third time in one day. When was the lead actor Kim Taehyung going to be back? There had been no word from him at all.

Jennie, who has been studying unusually hard across from Lisa, finally became fed up and dumped the book from her hand. "Lalisa, are you done or not?! Just accept that you are lovesick. Be decisive and just call him already. There is no point showing that damn mopey face to me!"

Lisa felt she was in the wrong and looked at her, "Sorry......"


Suddenly a new message notification pinged from her cell.

Lisa lazily picked up her cell. Her eyes brightened the moment she saw the name on the screen.

Jennie rolled up her eyes. Just from that she already knew who had sent the message, even a rock could figure it out.

Then two minutes later, Jennie saw Lisa was still staring at her cell with a blank expression. She gently asked, "What's wrong?"

Lisa raised her head and looked at her in shock. "Tae oppa asked me to go to his aunt's home in Seattle for Thanksgiving......"

Jennie said calmly, "Then go."

Lisa, "But......"

Jennie, "I will pull your head off if you keep saying 'but.' Her asked you to go then just go. You were pussy footing around when you didn't hear from him, now that he sent an invitation and you're still stumbling around. Are you done yet?" Jennie's father was from Seoul City and her mother from Daegu. She grew up in Daegu and went to middle school in Seoul. She now spoke like a dominating queen in strong commanding Seoul City accent after she had enough of Lisa.

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