Chapter 7

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A/n: Hello everybody! Wow, I'm not dead. Barely. I'm really no going to get into that here, but if you are curious as to why I was gone for so long, you can just find my announcement from today. It'll explain everything. Anyways, I know the end of the last chapter was heavy, and I apologize for that. Rereading it was a lot because I didn't remember what I wrote, and I was like "WhAt ThE hEcK wAs WrOnG wItH mE?" If you like Marvel, Star Wars, or Timothee Chalamet, be sure to check out my other works. I love you with all my person. Enjoy!

Billy's eyes widen as he sees Y/n come down the steps of her house. She is wearing a cream and red striped shirt with a red gem necklace. A flannel high- waisted skirt paired with some black pantyhose make a cute combo. Wrapped around her shoulders is a thick red fleece cardigan. Some chunky and cute black loafers clomp up to Billy's black camero. 

She plops down inside of his car

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She plops down inside of his car. Flashing him a smile, he snaps out of his trance. "Hi," he says.

"Hi," she says with a smirk. 

"Who's that?" He says with a head nod towards the window where Will is giving Billy massive stink-eye. 

Y/n whips around and glares at her brother. "My little brother, Will," she says with a growl. "I told you about him."

Billy pulls out into the street. "Where are we going?" Y/n asks.

"You'll see, doll."

"How do I know you aren't going to kill me?"

Billy looks at Y/n, then looks her body up and down. "I wouldn't dream of ruining your pretty body." He winks at her slyly.

Y/n blushes, but playfully shoves him. "Keep up that attitude and what you pulled in the bathroom today, it'll never happen."

"But you're not denying that it could happen?"




Billy pulls off the road. "You are going to kill me, aren't you?"

He rolls his eyes and offers her his hand. "Do you trust me?"

"I don't know why, but yes."

He leads her down a hidden path. They walk for about 3 minutes before it opens up into a beautiful clearing. A humongous tree sitting on top of a small hillbranches out in every direction in bright and vivid reds, oranges and yellows. Bushes of deep greens, reds and oranges frame the small meadow. 

Y/n lets out a gasp

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Y/n lets out a gasp. "Oh, Billy it's beautiful!"

He smiles softly to himself as he admires her beautiful face as it admires the beauty around them. 

She turns back to him, fully beaming. "How did you find this place?"

He shrugs. "I always look for quiet little places to hide from reality. Being the most sought after boy in Hawkins is rough."

Y/n scoffs. "Well, I appreciate you bringing me here. I love nature. If I can find a little brook or spot in the trees where I can just sit and listen to the birds while reading my favorite book, that right there is heaven to me."

"Personally, being on the waves with nothing but the water and a piece of rope keeping you up is heaven to me, but because I can't have that, this is a good substitute," Billy responds.

"Do you want to go back to California?"

"I did, but I think I may have found a reason to say," he says while gazing at her.

Y/n visibly looks at his lips. She nibbles on her lip a little, leaning in.

"Normally I would just kiss you, but you're different. I want to make you comfortable, so I'm going to ask. Can I please kiss you, Y/n?"

Y/n responds by smashing her lips against his. His eyes widen in surprise, but he melts into it. He places a hand on her cheek and pulls her closer. Their mouths work together and the flowers bloom a little bit more.

Fued// Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now