Chapter 19

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is August 30, 2020. I'm getting a good stream of requests for my imagines book, but I would never say no to more of them.

also i edited the last chapter because i realized mike hadn't shown up, so please go read the updated version before you read this

1 more thing i skip over some pieces of dialogue to save time 

Y/n climbs out of bed, yawning. Walking past Will's room, she picks up on him and Mike talking.

"Now I remember. I remember all the time," Will says shakily.

"Maybe... maybe that's good," Mike replies.


"Just think about it, Will. You're like a spy now. A superspy. Spying on the shadow monster. If you know what he's seeing and feeling, maybe that's how we stop him. Maybe all of this is happening for a reason."

"You really think so?" 

"Yeah. Yeah, I really do."

Will lets out a little cry. "What if he figures out we're spying on him? What if he spies back?"

"He won't," Mike says determinely. 

"How do you know?"

"We won't let him."


Y/n sits with her mother, frantically trying to piece the puzzle together. 

"Mom? Mom? Mom?" Will asks from behind Joyce.

Y/n shakes her a little to snap her out of the trance she was in. "Yeah?"

"I saw him."

"Saw who, Will?" Y/n asks. 

"Hopper. I think he's in trouble. I think he's going to die."

Joyce and Y/n exchange worried glances before Will scurries away to his table, where he quickly scribbles up something. 

"Okay, so... so Hopper is here?" Joyce asks.

"Yeah. Now we just need to figure out where here is..." Y/n says. 

A car is heard pulling up. 

"Hopper," Y/n breathes, before jumping up to peek through the curtains. Bob steps out of his car, holding a pile of brain teasers. 

Y/n steps out of the house, quickly closing the door behind her. "Surprise! I would've called, but your mother told me not to clog up the line."

"Thank you so much, Bob, but we're okay. We don't need anything."

"When I was Will's age and I was sick, and I was sick all the time, nothing made me feel better than these brain teasers."

Y/n cringes mentally. "These are great you know, but um, Will is sleeping."

"I could wait with you?" Bob asks.

"I'm so sorry, it's just not a good time," Y/n responds, feeling guilty about turning someone she cares about away.

"All right. They don't call me Bob the Brain for nothing."

Y/n goes to turn away, but gasps. "Bob!"

"That's my name!"


Bob stands in their living room, staring up at the pictures with wide eyes. Joyce, Mike, Will and Y/n stand behind him nervously. 

"Wow. You drew all these yourself?" He gestures to Will, who nods in response. 

"Why, exactly?"

"Bob, no questions," Joyce says. 

Y/n hands the paper to him. "We just need to find the X. That's the objective."

He chuckles. "What's at the X? Pirate treasure?"

"Bob, no questions."

He clears his throat. "Joyce, can I talk to you?"

He pulls her into a room. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Will doesn't look well. Y/n doesn't look well. And you don't look well, either. What's going on? Is this another one of Will's episodes? I just don't see how any of this is good for Will, Y/n, or you."

He trails off. "I know that shape. That's Lovers Lake."

They burst out of the room together as he points out different bodies of water. "That's Lake Jordan. Sattler's Quarry. The Eno River."

Bob pieces everything together. "It's a map. It's a map of Hawkins!"


Y/n and Joyce run around frantically with a tape measure, helping Bob out with the ratios. 

After a while, he speaks up. "I would say that the X is... maybe half a mile southeast of Danford?"

"Thank you!" Joyce exclaims, kissing him on the cheek. The kids all rush out, piling in Joyce's pinto. 

"Oh, we're going?"

The engine revs to life and all 5 of them pull away, speeding down the road. 

As they drive down in the countryside, Will closes his eyes. "Turn right. I saw him; turn right. Now!"

Joyce frantically turns the wheeel and runs over a pumpkin patch sign. Hopper's car comes in to sight, and she slams on the brakes. 

"Are you all ok?"

"What's Hopper doing out here?"

"Stay here, boys. You, too, Y/n."

She climbs out of the car with Bob. "Hand me the shovel!"

Y/n leaves the car. "You stay in here, you hear me? Stay. In. Here."

Joyce digs into these nasty, slimy vines at the bottom of the ditch, until the vines recede. She drops herself into the hole, Bob following after. Y/n drops down, too.

"Y/n? I told you to stay in the car!" Joyce exclaims. 

"There was no way I was doing that."

Up above, Mike and Will see the fake "Hawkins Electrician" vans pull up. Men in hazmat suits climb out and run to the opening of the tunnels. 

Y/n, Joyce, and Bob spot Hopper buried under the vines, being choked out slowly, and frantically cut him free. 

They pull him up and Y/n hugs him tightly. He looks down at her in shock and hugs her back. 

Suddenly, men with flamethrowers are shouting at them to get out, quickly. They race back to the opening and boost each other up. Right as Y/n climbs out of the hole, a blood-curdling scream rips through the air. 

Y/n spots Will collapsing on the grass and shaking violently, screaming bloody murder.

Fued// Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now