Chapter 14

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is August 11, 2020. Tomorrow is my first day of school and I want to throw up. Yay! So, if anyone wants to commit arson or something, hit me up. Instead of completely deleting "Make Sure You Bow", I just unpublished it, because if there is 1 thing writer's know, you can get inspired in a really weird place or time. So I'm saving it in case I get fresh ideas. If you like marvel or Star Wars, be sure to check out my other works. Enjoy!

some mood music. stuffs about to go down

Steve raises his hand up threatingly. "I swear to God, if you are forcing Y/n to do anything she doesn't want to do, I will rip your head off and burn it in a dumpster. You don't get to just treat her like another one of your stupid conquests. Y/n is special and deserves to be treated like the absolute Princess she is. If she is treated any less than that, believe me, I will take care of you."

Y/n is absolutely mortified by his words and quickly puts her scarf back on. "Steve," she scolds.

"No, no, doll. Stevie and I should have this out," Billy scoffs. He leans into his face. "If you really think that I would ever do anything to hurt her or make her uncomfortable, you have no clue who I am or how I feel about her. I agree, she is a Princess and should be treated so. And she is. But if she came to school with some love bites, it should show things are going well. Which they are. Not that it is any of your business. I recommend you be concerned about your own relationship, because from what I could tell at the party, it's not going well." Spitting out the last word, he takes Y/n's hand. 

Absolutely shocked by these two boy's outbursts, she pushes him away. "What the heck? Where is all this coming from? Steve: I'm fine. Everything that Billy and I do is perfectly consensual, and he is right. It isn't any of your business. And Billy: did you have to stoop that low that you had to insult his crappy relationship? I don't know where this just came from, but this is absolutely shitty and I don't need this right now." She throws her hands up and marches into the classroom. 

Billy glares at Steve. "I think we need to have a chat, mate."

Steve holds his glare. "I agree."

Heading into the gym, they square off in front of each other. "Stay away from my girl," Billy growls.


Billy laughs dryly. "If you think that I can't see all the love for her in your heart, you're wrong. You're crazy about her, and have been for a while. Even though you've been dating Nancy Wheeler for who knows how long."

Steve pales. Billy gets closer and closer.

"I will find out if there is anything. A comment, a gesture, even if it isn't romantic at the forefront. Just because I don't care about school doesn't make me an idiot, Harrington. I will find you. And I will kill you."

Steve stumbles backwards, but Billy just keeps approaching, a dark look in his eyes. 

"Leave. Her. Alone."

With that, Billy marches off. But not before Steve calls after him. "You know why I'm still her best friend."

He turns around. "What?"

"You know why I'm still her friend."

"Why are you still her friend?" Billy asks through gritted teeth.

"No, it's not a question. It's a statement. I know you know why we are so close and why I love her so much."

Billy becomes more and more confused. "I-I don't."

Steve's face scrunches up in pure happiness. "Oh, you don't! Well that is just fantastic." Swaggering up to Billy he gets in his face. "You don't get to tell me my relationship with Nancy is one-sided when your girlfriend that you are oh-so head over heels and devoted to hasn't even told you why she is still alive to this day. Maybe you should go and ask her. Although if she hasn't told you yet, I doubt she will now."

With that final statement dripping with venom said, Steve pushes past a shocked Billy and exits the gym. 

ok but like i love this chapter cause it is kicking off and its only gonna get worse

Fued// Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now