Chapter 7 - Awkward and New crush?

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Stiles passed me in the halls at school and just looked at me. I looked back at him. This week has been awkward because of what I had said to him. Even at home it was weird, especially at home!
Here I was, sitting in second period thinking about the awkwardness between me and Stiles. I sighed. I kinda felt bad. I felt eyes on me. I saw Chase Fisher staring at me like he was in love. I was playing with my hair, he must have saw. I blushed at him as he stared.
"Hazel?" Mrs. Darrel asked. "Do you know the answer?" She asked. I looked up to my hand that was in the air. How did it get up there? Everyone looked at me. I looked at the board.
"MC squared 2?" I asked. Knowing hate correct answer I was good at this.
"Correct. Just pay closer attention next time." She said eyeing me closely. I nodded in response. Phew! That was close.
The bell rang loudly bring me back from my thoughts. I slid my books into my bag and exited the room. I went straight for my locker. I opened it stuffed the books and closing it ready for lunch. Chase was relaxed behind my locker door. I smiled as I closed the small door.
"Yes?" I asked him. He smiled. I blushed.
"Your looking very pretty today." I blushed at the compliment. I saw Stiles walking past looking at us in the corner of my eye.
"You don't look to bad yourself." I replied.
"I wanted to ask you something." He followed me to the lunch room which I made sure no Kelsey Whittmore was there.
"Yes." I replied not taking my eyes off the people in the lunch room.
"Would you like to hang tonight? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought-" I cut him off.
"I'd love to!" I smiled looking behind me to look at him. We were in line for getting our lunch and when I turned my head to look where I was going I bumped into a red and white lacrosse jersey jock with the pads on. I stumbled back and Chase caught me. The jock turned around to see who it was. Stiles.
"Whoa are you ok? I'm sorry Hazel!" He quickly said looking at Chase. Then to his hands on my arms.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I nodded. He looked hurt.
"Sorry. I got practice instead of class." Stiles said taking a tray and putting food on it.
"Umm ok, I know you do...." I said reminding him that I know.
"Oh yeah. Want to sit with me and the team?" He asked.
"She is sitting with me, Carter." Chase said in a rude tone. Chase took me by the hand and led me to the table.
Okay so that happened.....
Sorry I kinda turned this into a Teen Wolf fanfic. I hope you don't mind just a few adjustments in this. Hope you still like it.
So we have a new face.... Chase Fisher! Do you like him so far? Well how can you? You barely know him!

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