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chan: are u free tonight min?💕

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chan: are u free tonight min?💕

i rubbed my eyes and sat up on my bed, replying felix's words in my head again.

but then chan's smile shoved its way into my mind, and the sight of his teeth were way too tempting.

minho: sure! 🥰

by now, i knew chan's place by heart. especially the secret entry through the window at the back of the house. so getting into chan's bedroom wasn't a hassle at all.

as soon as i entered fully through the window, chan's arms engulfed my frame, and i let my head rest against his chest.

"i'm so glad you made it," he whispered against my hair. he didn't let me go until we laid sprawled out on his bed.

"what's up...?" i asked him with a smile.

his fingers played with my hair and his eyes stared deeply into mine. "i was feeling a bit lonely earlier, so i'm happy you're here right now."

he giggled, showcasing his beautiful set of teeth.

i laughed. "you're cute."

"you're definitely cuter, though." chan bit his lip. i didn't fail to notice his eyes repeatedly running over my facial features.

"what?" i asked him.

chan coughed, and then shook his head. "we're friends, so this'll be weird."

"c'mon, it's okay. i love weird."

"promise you won't freak out or anything of the sort?"

i nodded. "i won't, i promise."

with that, chan leant closer, carefully putting a strand of hair behind my burning ear. "wanna see your stunning face a bit more."

"i'm stunning?"

"you're indescribably stunning."

i smiled. "and what are you gonna do about it?"

"i'm gonna kiss you, if that's okay?"

i nodded, and then a second later chan kissed me, desperate and deep. i could feel his teeth, those marvellous teeth pressed right against my lips, and it was the best sensation i'd ever experienced in my life.

chan's hands held my head in place as he kissed me even deeper, his tongue diving deeper into the cavern of my mouth.

it felt amazing.

"your eyes are so pretty, your nose, your lips -- everything. everything about you's so pretty," chan complimented me between kisses.

i didn't know what to say, but i was immensely flattered.

i had chan now.


- lee minho, 17

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