Story Information

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Hi everyone!!

First of all, thank you for choosing this story to read entitled of "The Ruthless CEO's Obsession." This story is made fictitiously from the names of the characters, places, events, business and etc. are all product of your author's playful imagination.

The genre of this story is action and romance which is tag-lish. I warned you that my story is having lots of grammatical errors and typos errors.

I'm not a professional writer and still learning but I will do my best to make this story goes well for you guys. This story is no use in actual, fact, living or death situation it is purely fiction with having slight matured content(SPG) so, read with your own risks and hold tight.

PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME, the respect is highly requested however your votes & comments from this story is really appreciated. I hope you would love, support and appreciate this story until the end. Happy reading my beloved readers!

The Ruthless CEO's Obsession

The Ruthless CEO's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now