Chapter 9

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Tears rolled down Panchaali's cheeks,  her heart squeezing painfully in her chest as she sat in the prison, she jumped at every little sound, her heart thundering in her chest. Wedding was meant to be a relation of love and care, a consented relationship, a relationship between the two not more than that.

Her hands wrapped around her knees as she pulled them closer to her, her heart thudding in her chest as it squeezed with agony, terror dominated her senses, what would they do next? Rape her? Kill her? Who were this people and what did they want from from?  Why do this to her? Pain and terror were two things that throbbed through her heart, sinking her deeper in the abysses of darkness, her body burned with a heat, something that the woman had made her drink, it was messing with her body, her body throbbed as it burned with a need, sharp and acute, the pain made her cry, what was happening, was she dying?

The pandavas opened the door to the hut, they could still feel their energies being drained, leashing their powers in, "MATE WITH HER OR YOU'RE WIVES DIE!" The old woman growled a final warning before locking them all in the prison cell. There were no windows in the room, just had a metal door that the woman had locked, a mattress lay on the floor in the corner and on it sat Panchaali, their wife, shaking and crying. Their hearts squeezed as they looked at her, poor girl's world was completely shaken. They could feel the dark magic in the air, chocking them, signalling that those people were indeed watching them. As far as they knew, the magic of looking through walls just have them blurred views nothing proper or concrete, they wanted the pandavas to consummate their marriage or they will kill their wives, like hell they would consummate this wedding, they knew their wives lives were in danger but now she was theirs too, in order to save one they couldn't endanger other. Consummating this marriage meaning succeeding the plans of the tribals and practically signing her death certificate, they refused to do that, but how to stop this? How to save them all?

Bheem moved in with his brothers, his eyes glaring at the white sheet that was put on the mattress, he knew why exactly it was there, to capture her blood from the shredded innocence, can this people be anymore barbaric? He wanted to growl.

"I think I have a plan." Karn's voice filled the room, "I'm pretty sure they can only watch us and not listen to our talks, and as far as I know I am pretty sure their vision of what's going in here is not clear either." He stated the obvious. "So what do we do jyest?"  Sehdev asked, he really prayed his brother had a good plan. "We take advantage of it." Yudhisthir continued, a smirk on his face as he caught on to the drift of his elder brother's thoughts, "And how do we do that?" Arjun asked curious, "They want us to mate and we will." Yudhisthir said, "But bhraata that is not right we can't do that to her." Nakul protested. Karn smiled, "No one said anything about consummating the marriage dear brother, we just act like we are making love to her." He further explained, "What about the blood of her innocence? They will check the sheets."  Bheem questioned.

"Our blood, we'll make a cut on our finger or hand and let the blood flow." Arjun suggested. "But that still doesn't solve the problem of getting out of here. How do we escape. They still will kill her tomorrow morning." Sehdev pointed out.

"No dear brother, tomorrow they will expect us to be completely powerless as according to them we consummated our wedding, transferring our  powers in the vessel of her body so they will drop the magic feasting on our powers and once that goes down we kill them all." Yudhisthir explained making the brothers smirk, they had hope, they had chance. "But all this depends on our convincing acting tonight making them believe that we bonded with her." Karn said gravely, the brothers all nodded, they needed to be careful, this was a game of planing and executing, putting up a show.

"Let's explain this to her." Arjun said, making his brothers nod, they all crouched down, "Panchaali." Dhananjay begun as he put his hand on her shoulder, she slumped against him, fear shot through their chest as they looked at her pale skin, sweat glistening as her body was burning with fever, her skin was flushed as she breathed heavily, her eyes had a glassy look in them as she moaned in pain tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Panchaali!" The six shouted in fear, Nakul and Sehdev began examining her, "What happened?" Karn nearly growled, "the hell! They have given her some herbs that has put her in a heat of sort." Sehdev growled, "Like the dogs?" Bheem asked confused, "No bhraata, something like that,how the heaven did this people get their hands on this lethal drug! It is banned everywhere!" Nakul fumed, "But what does it do?" Arjun questioned as he cupped her cheek,worry filling his system.

"It messes with the woman's body, puts her in an aphrodisiac haze but the only difference here is that she remains in a constant daze of pain if touch of her husband doesn't meet her. "Sehdev growled, Yudhisthir's mind processed the words, where the others were growling and fuming in anger, his mind worked at a high speed, "Does the touch have to be intimate?" He asked carefully making everyone look at him, "Bhraata, a touch is a touch, head, nose, mouth, or even her finger, doesn't matter." Nakul replied, "Than the problem is solved, we just have to make sure we keep in touch with her, she has like six of us."  Yudhisthir stated, "Well that's true but she remains in pain till we either consummate the marriage or give her the antidote. Which means her going through this pain till we end everything." Sehdev pointed out, "Than we try to finish this as fast as possible." Karn said determined, his gaze looking at the girl, now his wife, she was in so much pain and he could do nothing to ease it. His heart throbbed with pain and agony.

The pandavas surrounded her as they sat around her, their heart squeezing, "Who begins the act?" Bheem asked nervously, "Arjun will." Yudhisthir stated making Dhananjay's head snap up, he? His gaze fell on his wife, her glassy eyes looking at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. His heart squeezed painfully, it throbbed in this chest, she didn't deserve this. Tears filled his eyes as he looked at her.

At least he and others were in no pain, just a bit of weakness and threats, but Panchaali, this sweet innocent girl was losing here the most

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At least he and others were in no pain, just a bit of weakness and threats, but Panchaali, this sweet innocent girl was losing here the most. First a forced marriage to six men, for her entire life her honour, her feelings and her respect would now be questioned.

Dividing her time, herself, among six men? What was this? What sort of game had destiny played? Married her to men who were already having wives, who were already in love with other women, what was this? King of unfairness, and with whom? Her, possibly the most innocent soul that Arjun had ever seen, his heart throbbed for her, agony spreading through his body as he looked at the moaning girl on the mattress, tears glazed in his eyes as he lay next to her, his body shaking with the suppressed terror and agony.

"Shh princess, everything will be fine." He promised as he cupped her cheeks, his eyes looking into hers, tears rolled down the corner of her eyes as her bottom lip trembled, as she looked at him with so much fear and in surety that his heart tugged. "Arya." She whispered, her voice breaking, it was barely above a whisper dripping with fear, with anxiety. He laid his forehead against her, "yes darling, I am your arya, and remember that I will let nothing go wrong with you, nothing. None of us would, trust us." He whispered as he promised her making her breath hitch, his watery eyes met hers, "I promise love, we will do our best to fix everything sweetheart." He whispered, his words laced with honesty as he looked at her, she nodded, he pressed a kiss on her forehead lingering there for awhile more than needed. Feeling her, assuring himself that she was in his arms, right here with him and that he would let nothing happen to her, no injustice would be done to her, he married her to save Subhadra's life but now she was just as important part of  his life as Subhadra, no way in heaven he would let anything happen to her, it didn't matter if he had to fight the entire world, than he will. . .




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