Chapter 14

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Maharani Renuka sat on the bedside next to her unconscious daughter, Panchaali, tears were glazed in her eyes as she looked down at her daughter, concern was bubbling in her chest as she looked down at her daughter. Tears glazed in her eyes as she looked at her daughter.

"Mata?" Panchaali's soft voice had her looking down at her, "How are you feeling putri?" She asked worried as she looked down at her daughter who gave her a brilliant smile, "I am perfectly fine!" Panchaali lied, she was completely shaken by the hatred that her very own people had shown her.

Her mother smiled sadly at her as she kissed her daughter's forehead, "I am your mother, I understand you better than anyone." She whispered as she pressed her lips to her daughter's forehead, Panchaali's eyes stung as her vision blurred, she felt wetness trail down her cheeks. "Maa..." she sobbed out as she wrapped her arms around her mother's waist, her head laying on her mother's chest, who patted her head, tears flowing down her mother's eyes.

Renuka didn't know what to do anymore, her daughter, her youngest was divided among six men! Not one but six were her husbands, her heart was tearing into pieces and whether she liked to accept it or not Panchaal's royal palace was failing to protect it's princess from the anger and hatred of the people out there. The comments and talks that were going around about her daughter were slowly eating her from within, her daughter who was born of fire, the purest was being referred with names that were slowly tearing her heart.

Hours back pandavas along with their mother and wives had come to Panchaal, they were unaware of all the happenings. She wanted to hide her daughter from all of this, away from all this but the reality was that she couldn't. She had to go with her daughter to the study where everyone were now present at. The pandavas, king Drupad and his first wife Maharani Gayatri, her sons and daughter, the wives of pandavas and their mother were all present. She really hoped they all will make the right decision. . .


"You will never get my sister!" Shouted a fuming Tejveer, "Believe it not prince but she is our wife! " snapped Bheem, his patience with Tejveer was running thin, if he wasn't her brother, he would have snapped his neck. "I refuse to believe that!" Shouted Dhrishtadyumn, "My daughter is no commodity to be divided!" Drupad snapped.

"Daughter? Remember King Drupad what had you asked for Panchaali when she was being born, what wishes did you make while putting the ahutis! This is your wishes bearing it's fruits!" Karn snapped back, he was done, he like Bheem was often shot tempered, he wasn't Yudhisthir the master of calmness. Drupad was silenced, he was indeed right, this were his wishes coming true, in his fit of anger, he had destroyed the life of his daughter.

"Maharaj, Panchaali is now our wife. We have every right to take her back home." Yudhisthir stated calmly making Drupad nod in defeat, his face was a mask of guilt and pain as he looked at the pandavas. "What are you saying Pitashree!" Tejveer asked in disbelief, the door opened and everyone watched Panchaali enter with Renuka, the pandavas hands clenched as their eyes fell on her forehead, and her hands and feet that had various bandages, anger fueled them but they held it all in, they will ask but once they are alone with her.

"I am saying the right thing! She is their wife son, we have no right to hold here without her husbands' permissions." Drupad stated, "Right? Who gave them this right? By putting just a mangalsutr around her neck they got that!" Tejveer fumed as his eyes zeroed on her sister's neck, that held the mangalsutr proudly, showing her married status. He marched towards her and caught it in his hand and looked at everyone, "By putting this they got all the rights?" He asked almost in tears, "if this mangalsutr is the problem than I will remove it!" He growled angrily, anger and pain filling his words, the pandavas growled their anger snapping all their bounds.

Panchaali's eyes widened in fear as her brother's hand tugged at the Mangalsutr making her jolt,  she cried out aloud, before he could snap the holy thread, six swords were around his neck. Tejveer froze, his eyes widening in fear, "Think about even touching it and you will loose your head faster than you can breath!" Growled Sehdev, "I'm challenging you, try it, and I promise I won't hesitate to behead you!" Nakul roared angrily, "This is not a game Rajkumar, she maybe divided among six, but what you're failing to see is that if you dare so much as look at her or dare touch the mangalsutr, she has six men who won't hesitate to cut you in so many fine pieces that your family would take centuries to find your each one." Arjun promised darkly. "One tug, I dare you and you will be losing your head." Bheem dared, his sword nicking Tejveer's neck making him bleed. "The matrimony is as holy as any other, anyone challenging this view would be losing their neck." Yudhisthir swore as he looked at Tejveer,who had his eyes glaring at the mangalsutr that was around Panchaali's neck, who was crying profoundly. "Remove your hand before I lose my patience and snap your neck!" Karn snapped.

"Let it go rajkumar!" Kunti warned as she looked at the stubborn man who still had his hand around her daughter in law's mangalsutr. "Please let it go bhraatashree." She cried, her eyes begging him. "Tejveer! Let it go!" Renuka and Gayatri snapped. "Tejveer!" Dhrishtadyumn and Drupad growled, Tejveer growled frustrated as he let the mangalsutr go, the pandavas however didn't let the swords down.

They were burning with fury, how dare he? Anger burned through them like lava,spreading through their veins, burning everything in its wake. The air in the room was thick with pulsing anger, as they all glared at him, the pandav patnis moved towards their husbands, "Arya please let go." Hidimbi begged to Bheem. Vrishali touched Karn, Devika shook her head her eyes meeting her husband's, the others too tried but it was like they didn't even listen, like they couldn't hear him, Kunti, Drupad, one  by one they all moved but they listened to no one.

Panchaali trembled as she looked from her husbands to her brother, tears flowing down her cheeks at a constant pace. Her heart was hurting, what was wrong, why won't they let him go? Fear slammed in her chest as she watched Tejveer stumble back and the six of them follow him, their eyes red in fury, jaws were set as they glared at him. She moved ahead without thinking and put herself between her husbands and her brother. Their eyes fell her, she was crying, her eyes silently begging them. Her heart hurt as she shook her head. Their hearts squeezed as they watched her cry.

They moved their swords away and sheathed them,their eyes glaring at Tejveer, Bheem's hand shot out and wrapped around Panchaali's wrist, pulling her towards them, she let them, her body lit with sparks where he touched

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They moved their swords away and sheathed them,their eyes glaring at Tejveer, Bheem's hand shot out and wrapped around Panchaali's wrist, pulling her towards them, she let them, her body lit with sparks where he touched. Karn wiped her tears before Bheem let her to the pandav patnis who surrounded her, hugging and kissing her, soothing her fears and pains. "She now is our family Maharaj Drupad, she is the wife of the pandavas, she is my wife! And you're son has dared to touch my wife! This is a reason enough for me to bring the army of Hastinapur here! The only thing holding me back are her tears. So here is a final chance I give you. I give you two options, either we turn your kingdom in ashes and we take her or you with your blessings marry her with us and we take her, either way she comes, we have nothing to lose but in the first option you would have nothing left worth to live for." Karn promised, his voice ringing with a dark promise as his protective side came roaring out, he had done enough, he had heard enough, she was their wife and he sure as hell needed no one's permission to take her home, he would have listened or tried convincing them peacefully, he knew they were her family and they had every right to get upset, but by touching her mangalsutr and threatening to snap it had unleashed the over protective monster in them and now that monster demanded blood. . .




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