Chapter 42

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Yudhisthir slowly shut his eyes as he began whispering the words, Panchaali gasped, her heart thudding in her chest wildly as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. How in the heaven was this possible?! She thought as she watched the bricks move aside, making a door appear, her heart thudded as Yudhisthir wrapped his hand around her waist as he pulled her closer. "What place is this arya?" She asked practically in awe with the place, it was unlike something she had ever seen before. The navy blue sky greeted her with an ebony sun in the sky, her mouth hung open as she looked at the floating islands in the air. How in the heaven was this possible? The flowers here were the size of her fist, she couldn't even name them, they glowed with a radiant light.

"Welcome my queen." The strong gruff voice had her jumping, her heart jolting with fear as she turned around to see a human, who was transparent? Confusion filled her as she looked at her husband, "Arya how come I can see through him?" She asked utterly confused, he chuckled as he wrapped his hand around her waist, he pressed his lips to hers in a quick kiss. "Because he is a soul princess." He whispered, amusement filled his eyes as he watched her eyes widen with shock, as he mouth hung open, he couldn't hold back his laughter anymore as he chuckled. "You're being serious?" She questioned, her voice laced with disbelief as she looked at him like he had grown an extra head, Yudhisthir chuckled, amusement filling him as he wrapped his hand around her.

"As the son of Yamraj, I was gifted this lok, not many know about this. This is the realm that people reach once they are free of karm chakra, the place of moksha, the realm of infinity peace and calmness. Where nothing but the righteousness rules." he said with a smile on his face as he looked at her, she gazed up at him with awe, "So you rule this land?" She asked smiling up at him, "And jiji Devika is the queen?!" She asked excitedly, he chuckled at her innocence, he pressed his lips to the tip of her nose. "I rule this world yes, but Devika is not the queen. My father had said that someday, when I find a true leader, I shall make her my queen, doesn't matter whether she is my first wife or last, the qualities of the true queen shall make her one, not because she married me, but because she is a true born queen." He said, his eyes shining with love and adoration as he gazed at his wife, she looked back at him, a smile on her face as she looked at him. "Than you are still waiting for your queen arya?" She asked as she looked up at him, his lips curved up, she was so innocent. At times he wished nothing more than to hug her and take her far far away from the rest of the world, he gazed at her, a strong gust of wind had her curls falling on her face, he watched as her delicate fingers pulled the curls back and put them behind her ear, it was a simple action, yet when it was her who did it, it felt like he felt like he was in trance, his heart pulsed as he gazed at her. He never really took the time to tell her just how important she was too him, we all have this tendency of never really appreciating the people who do so much for us, he was no different, she was such an integral part of his life, without her his survival was a waste, yet the work often entrapped him in such a way that he never really got the time of his day to tell her just how important she was. Everyone in his family ruled a kingdom, all his brothers and their wives, they always were so busy, time for family was a difficult thing to manage. Yet she never complained, they handled the kingdoms but she, she handled the very kings and the queens. She did all the work, handled the kids, yet she never complained, never ever wished to be the queen, she always smiled and gave them strength.

He cupped her cheeks as he looked at her, "It has been three beautiful years my love, three very amazing years of my life since you entered it. Before meeting you I was just existing, life had become more of a routine, waking working and sleeping. It wouldn't be wrong to say that I had become more of a machine rather than a man, you made me alive. You gave me a life, I often fail to express to you Panchaali just how important you are, but today I want to share with you are my everything. My very reason to live, my very reason to wake up everyday. You are more important than I could ever express in words. For the world we are kings, but what makes us the kings is you my queen. A true born queen, you are. The queen of the eternal land of Dharma, one who rules beyond the earth, the queen of ultimate peace." His announcement had her filling with shock as flowers showered on top of them, she watched as the glittering flowers opened and music began to play, "I don't think arya I am capable..." her voice was laced with doubts as she looked at him, he smiled, "I have faith in you. We might be the rulers by law, but you Panchaali you rule the heart of our people. A true leader sits on the throne of hearts of his people, not golds and glitters. You already do that. You are a true born queen." He whispered, his voice ringing with honesty as he pressed his lips to her forehead, her heart thudded in her chest as she looked at him, he took her hand in his as he walked her down the path of the flower petals, the trees bowed making her gasp, "Everything hear is alive." He whispered making her look at him, she watched as little fairies came flying towards her, a crown of flowers in their hands, she watched amazed as they kept the crown on her head, shivers ran through her body as she felt sparks run through her, her eyes shut, the surge of energy through her body had her air knocking out of her chest as she felt a strong eternal connection with the land, powers cackled through her body making her feel dazed by the sheer amount of strength, like she could do everything she wished. Her hands tightened on his, as her eyes flew open, she looked up at him, he had a serene calm smile on her face as he looked at her, a smile and calmness that had her heart easing. "Arya.." was all she could say, the doubts and questions were too many she failed to understand how to put them in words, her eyes expressed all her worries, he held her gaze captive as he pressed his lips to her forehead. "My gift to you is this land, this throne, a gift not only to My wife but the queen who Is unaware of her potentials. Happy birthday dear, I am so very proud of you my girl. I love you doesn't sum up my feeling for you, they are beyond it, they are eternal, they are what makes us one." He whispered, his eyes glazing with a hundred emotions as he pressed his lips to hers, kissing her like there was no tomorrow, pouring all his love in it. . .




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