🖤I am H E R E🖤So are WE🖤

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A/N: I'm using the English subtitles... enjoy

3rd POV ~


"You really are cool... Eraser Head."

Nomu smashed him to the ground one more time. Midoriya jumped out of the water, preparing to use One for All in a punch. "Let her GO!" He cried to the villain with hands allover, he punched him as a blinding light and a humongous gust of wind was made by the punch, the punch was strong it destroyed the lights in the building. Soon enough, smoke surrounded Midoriya and his surroundings, he pants heavily and got surprised with the end results of his arm. "My arm isn't broken. I'm finally able to control my power at a time like this?!" He thought, "I did it! I'm able to get in a good smash. All right!" Midoriya thought excitedly. But those thoughts went away as he realized he didn't punch the villain, at least, not the one he wanted to punch. The Nomu blocked him, separating him and the hands villain. At this point, all those thoughts went back in his head,

"Don't you think they are trying so hard because they have a way to kill him?"

Those words from Tsuyu flashed back in his head. "Are you a follower of All Might's?" He asked, "OH well..."

"I'm done with this."

In slow motion, the Nomu lift his hand and was about punch/slap (It looked like he was about to get slapped) Midoriya, Tsuyu spit her tongue out to reach Midoriya, and Shigiraki (Villain with Hands) was about to disintegrate both Tsuyu and Mineta. Midoriya shut his eyes tight, expecting for extreme pain and agony, but it never came. The doors were slammed opened and smoke engulfed out off them. Everyone brought their attention to the entrance, even Shigiraki. Midoriya slowly open his eyes to see what's going on. Three figures walked out of the smoke, everyone's attention though was drawn to the biggest figure. Their eyes widen, some had tears of joy knowing who it was to rescue them, as they looked at the other two smaller figures behind him that seem to be flouting, confusion was seen in their face. "Who are they?", "New Pro Heroes?", "They look so young to be Pro Heroes.". "It's FINE now." All Might spoke,

"I am HERE!"

"So are we!" The mage and the exceed unison/exclaimed, some had this gut of feeling that they know those two. "ALL MIGHT!" Mineta cried with A Lot of tears of joy, "All... Might..." Midoriya thought. "ALL MIGHT!" Everyone shouted. All Might started to walk forward and fought the villain rookies to get Mr. Aizawa, Koi followed him behind not too far. "Sorry... Aizawa." He apologized, he also managed to get Midoriya, Tsuyu and Mineta. The three students were surprised were they were now, away from the ocean/water, "What?" Mineta asked, Koi who was now hovering above All Might grabbed the unconscious Mr. Aizawa and flew as fast but gentle as she can to the entrance. "Everyone heads towards the entrance, follow Young Koi there. Hurry!" All Might commanded the students. "Y-yes sir!", "Ribbit", "All Might...". The ran away, following the cat with wings to the entrance. "Carolina...!"

"Nomu." Shigiraki commanded it. "Smash!" All Might crossed/sliced his arms towards the Nomu, the effects seem too went through the Nomu. It had this scary and evil smile on it's half brain like face.

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