🖤Nomu's End🖤

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Yeah, I can't think of any good titles anymore...

I swear, listening to "How You Like That" is somehow motivating for me... Also, this will be really different from the original one, as this will be more focused on the three mages. Just saying.

Also, very Very VERY long Chapter ahead.


~ Gemini-Chan

3rd POV

June's arms were in a cross. Her clothes were ripped from the previous fight, her Iron Dragon Scales protecting her, a smirk comes up at her face. "Hey guys!" June waved at her classmates and her mage buddies, her iron scales fading away. Honestly, her classmates were shocked, I mean she's waving and smiling as if she wasn't hit at ALL. "Who the hell are you?" Shigaraki demanded an answer from her. ""The name is June Redfox." June put her thumb out and pointed at herself, "And this is going to end pretty soon." She answered him. Shigaraki chuckled at June's confidence.

All Might was shocked, "That Nomu was made to destroy me... Yet, she managed?!" He mentally spoke to himself.

All Might felt a cold liquid coming out of his womb, that's when he realized he still had the water layer healing his womb. The water layer had a small creak. Hinata came up to him after noticing it, "All Might! What did I told already to-" Hinata was cut of by the hero himself. "Sorry for causing the trouble." He apologized to Hinata, he stood up but Koi stopped him. "All Might sir, I know that you need to protect everyone here, but you're injured. And if you keep going, something horrible might happen. If not now, later." The feline female explained to All Might, the four boys overheard that.

"But, I have to-" All Might was cut off by Hinata. "Please, you have to stay put now." Hinata sort off begged him, "Besides, since June's here. It'll make it the whole situation easier." Hinata said, the boys think for a moment. "Easier? Those that possibly mean she's strong enough to fight it?" Kirishima thought.

Hinata brought her hand up to All Might's injury and a small amount of liquid was pulled out of her palm to the creak, it slowly merged into the water layer and the creak was gone.

"All Might tried to punch me. Violence for the sake of the other makes it admirable. Isn't it hero?" Shigaraki pointed at All Might.

"You know what All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous..." He starts to explain.

"Deciding what's good and what's bad! What's with this Symbol of Peace? You're just a device to repress violence. Violence only breeds violence. The world will know this, once we kill you!" Shigaraki explained to everyone who can hear him.

"You're right..." June spoken, which cause everyone's attention to turn at her, confused/surprised with her words. "We are categorized, but there's a reason..." She started explaining, "You villains hurt the innocent and those who can't protect themselves! Just for your selfish, foolish desires! We heroes protect them from your horrible doings! That's the different between us!" June cried/shouted with confidence.

"Now, this is gonna end, right here, right now." June said as she met her eyes with the villains. "It's three against eight." Todoroki said, Midoriya nodded. "Kacchan already found the fogs weakness!" He added as he got into a fighting stance. "These guys are crazy... But if we backup June..." Kirishima harden his arms, "... We can push them back!" Kirishima added.

"No!" They heard June's voice, "I need you guys to stay back." June demanded them. "But you can't take care of that creature alone." Todoroki said to June, "That's a different story Todoroki. But thanks for the help guys." June replied.

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