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Todoroki can tell something is wrong, but he isn't one hundred percent sure of what exactly that might be until after lunch or so.

On the way to class and during the first two classes they have, Midoriya is unusually quiet. He hasn't spoken much to anyone all day, hasn't raised his hand to answer any questions, etcetera. He's normally a bit more talkative, muttering things under his breath or chatting cheerfully with friends, but today he's anything but talkative.

When Uraraka finally asks if he is okay, Midoriya just laughs it off and just explains that he isn't feeling super great but he assures her that he'll be fine, he's just tired.


Lunch rolls around at about noon, after the third class they have ends. Midoriya seems to be worse; he's unable to concentrate on anything, he won't touch his food and his expression is sort of pained- scrunched up with his eyes closed tight. Todoroki looks at him then and also notices his cheeks are flushed pink and his forehead is sweaty, wetting the hair there. Todoroki finds himself reaching his hand out anyway, placing his palm on the shorter boy's forehead.

"You're burning up," he states just as Midoriya opens his eyes with a surprised expression to see what Todoroki is doing. At his next words, Uraraka, Iida and Asui stop talking to look at them. "Let me take you to Recovery Girl."

"I'm fine," Midoriya protests weakly, his hand loosely wrapped around Todoroki's wrist to pull it away from his head, but instead Todoroki holds it there, using his quirk to make his hand cold in an attempt to help his friend cool down a little.

Midoriya shivers and Todoroki moves his hand down to the shorter boy's pink, freckled cheek instead. He almost leans into it as Todoroki cools him down some, but after a second passes Midoriya's eyes widen and he pulls away quickly, his face getting redder as if he's embarrassed.

"I said I'm fine, I promise!" he insists, waving his hands around frantically and putting on his best nervous smile. Todoroki gives him a look, one that is also given to him by the other three sitting across from them, and Midoriya finally sighs, slumping in his seat. "Okay, fine, so... I really don't feel well today. I woke up feeling kinda sick."

"Why didn't you say so earlier when I asked you what was up?" Uraraka asks sadly, leaning forward a little to look at the boy's eyes. Midoriya doesn't answer as he fiddles with the hem of his blazer shyly, but they all know it's because he didn't want them to worry about him.

Todoroki suddenly stands, his hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "Come on," he murmurs softly, "I'll walk with you to go see Recovery Girl so she can take a look at you."

Midoriya stands as well without arguing, his legs a bit shaky as they begin walking towards the exit of the cafeteria. Todoroki looks at him again, trying to make sure he doesn't fall.

"You can lean on me and use me as support if you're feeling a little weak," he tells his friend with a small smile. Midoriya does so after a moment, trying to convey how grateful he is without actually saying so.

They walk slowly to Recovery Girl's office, not saying much on the way. The door is open when they arrive, so they head right in and Recovery Girl sighs when she sees them.


Turns out Midoriya caught the flu somehow. Recovery Girl gives him a bottle of medicine and sends him on his way, unable to really do anything more. She tells him to go back to the dorms, though, instead of going back to the cafeteria, and explains that she'll handle Aizawa. She instructs Todoroki to walk him there and to stay with him, and Todoroki doesn't complain or refuse, bowing politely on their way out.

They leave the main school building immediately, Todoroki texting Iida to tell him they're going back to the dorms and to tell him not to worry, he'll explain later. Midoriya is still a bit wobbly, so before they get too far, Todoroki stops him and crouches in front of the shorter boy.

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