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Midoriya starts packing slowly, making sure he'll have what he needs for the next two weeks he'll be spending at home with his mother for Christmas break.

With his suitcase open, lying flat on top of his bed, he looks around the room for what is essential to bring and what can stay. Clothes are definitely necessary, so he picks out enough outfits and into the suitcase they go.

He grabs his notebook just in case and in it goes as well. Charger cords, toothbrush, deodorant, comics, pencils, headphones, his laptop, and various other things make their way into the suitcase until it's completely stuffed and he can't think of anything else to add.

He grabs his phone, puts on a thick coat, a scarf, a beanie and a pair of gloves and then slips on his bright red sneakers. Ready to get going, he grabs his suitcase and heads out of his room.

He runs into Aoyama and Tokoyami in the hallway, who have just finished packing as well. He gives them a smile and a nod before he heads to the elevator and they follow behind.

The common area is bustling now, some scrambling to make sure they have everything they need before their parents arrive or before they have to leave to catch the train, and others passing that time chatting away or playing games or something.

Midoriya looks around and finds that Todoroki is absent, but he doesn't think the boy left yet. He hopes to be able to see him before they both have to leave.

"Hey Midoriya!"

The green haired boy looks around to find the source of the voice, discovering that it belongs to Kirishima, who sits on one of the couches. Squished between him and the arm of the couch is Bakugo, who almost lazily scrolls through his phone. Midoriya is a little surprised that he isn't freaking out because of how Kirishima is basically invading his personal bubble, but he decides not to question it as he makes his way over to him.

"Hey Kirishima," he greets with a small wave as he stops in front of the two, trying to make sure he's not standing in front of Kaminari, who sits on the opposite end of the couch as he chats away with Ashido and Sero. "Are you excited to get to go spend some time at home with your parents?"

Grinning brightly, Kirishima nods. "Yeah!" he replies, throwing an arm around Bakugo's shoulders. The blond boy glares, but doesn't protest. "Bakugo is coming with me too, so it's gonna be great!"

Midoriya looks at Bakugo then, tilting his head a little in slight confusion. "I thought you were going home to see your parents, Kacchan," he murmurs, hoping he doesn't sound too intrusive or anything.

"I am, dumbass," Bakugo responds harshly, earning himself the feeling of Kirishima's elbow suddenly jabbing into his ribs. With a glare thrown the red haired boy's way, Bakugo huffs. "We both are heading to my house next week, Deku."

"And so this week we'll be at mine," Kirishima continues, his smile as bright as ever still. "What about you, Midoriya? You spending part of your two weeks at someone else's house, or…?"

The green haired boy simply shakes his head. "No, I'll just be at home with my mom," he answers, fiddling with the buttons of his jacket awkwardly, feeling a bit nervous and shy. "I don't really have anyone else I can go with anyways."

It's a lie- Todoroki comes to mind, but Midoriya isn't sure how he would even ask and if Todoroki would be okay with it. Plus being around Endeavor for two weeks and listening to him and Todoroki argue would probably get a bit annoying and frustrating. Midoriya feels like he'd probably consider punching the number one hero at least once or twice.

"Oh, well alright then!" Kirishima utters back as he and Bakugo start standing up to leave. "I hope you have fun, and we'll see you in two weeks! Oh, and that beanie looks good on you by the way!"

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