Escaping the destiny is not so easy
Words you told are now lost and lonely.
Your face, your eyes and little lips that I miss
Are just left in a corner of my heart in piece.
I wish you could hear the name I still roar,
And how the memories of you still now
illuminate my darkest of hours, and
the name I still paint in my heart in color.
I still play the violin, and sing the blues
Because this melody is the remedy of
that wound, remember you gifted me one noon? ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
A/N : I've written this particular poem based on the theme "heartbreak" for the peony poetry contest. I hope my judges SummuB,angoissee kruzkreats14will enjoy this. I would also love to thank them in advance for taking some part of their precious time to read my poem.
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