Saying No

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The light draft whipped across me making me shiver at the unexpected chill. I rubbed my arms littered with goose bumps scanning through the desks. Wondering which one fit my price range.

I finally overcame procrastination and hauled my ass out of the apartment. There was only so much abuse my coffee table could take.

Feeling relieved at finally purchasing the much needed piece of furniture that would be delivered at my apartment; I sauntered out of the shop. Idly looking through the different stores that lined my path.

It's only when I came across a shop that seemed to be selling art and different antiques from what the items on the window display showed that I stopped mid-step. And without much thought I entered the shop. Eyes widening unconsciously at the exciting the number of colours decorating the place. The masks ranging in size and shape to pots with pulchritudinous patterns on their body captivated me to fall in love.

And as if that feeling wasn't enough, when I saw a painting of a waterfall condensed in colours of dark orange from the sun.

Smiling, I felt it.

The heat kissing my skin, the wind caressing me as if a lover of mine and I tried to conjure up what it would be like, smell like to be there. To see that vast waterfall in close range-

"Tiana," rapidly blinking my eyes, I felt my feet touch the surface of the ground back onto the land of reality to cock my head to the side, to find Rita outside waving at me.

And surprise, surprise, he was there too.

His narrowed eyes, curled lip along with a stiff posture were hard to miss even from my position in the store. The anger directed toward me was reciprocated with a blank stare. I knew he was upset from what I did, but I felt justified in my actions that night. How dare he think he could intrude on me anytime he pleased?

Judging from Rita's broad smile revealing her dimpled cheeks, she was unaware about the tension brewing between us. Stepping out of the store I plastered on a genuine smile specifically intended for her not paying much mind to the daggers being thrown at me.


"I'll be honest the only image I have of you in my head is at the office. It's actually quite strange seeing you out here," she lightly joked. He remained silent, his eyes piercing my skin.

I kept my eyes trained on her despite still having a view of him from the corner of my eye," I really don't expect myself to be viewed in such a way. But with the case. . ." I drifted off.

"It's okay. Despite the glitz and glamour that most people see of lawyers- the work is a shitload. There's nothing sexy about doing legal research."

Even if I wanted to hold it- the laughter tumbled out of me knowing that it was true. The power of media could fool anyone into believing that being a lawyer was a badass job- don't get me wrong it was. But the amounts of drama one sees on TV shows as opposed to reality are two things that share no similarities with the other.

"You need to do that more, you know?"

Quirking my brow at what she meant, she clarified," Laugh more. Something tells me you don't do it as often as you should."

I nervously chuckled tucking the few loose strands behind my ear, a force of habit that developed over the years as a coping mechanism when I felt awkward.

"You're coming out with us tonight," she stated in a tone that left no room for protest. Eyes wide, I bit the inside of my cheek.

"So I don't even get the luxury of choosing?" The older woman smirked, briefly glancing in his direction. His expression remained bored if not disinterested until she jabbed his side causing him to place his attention on me giving me a full view of his pewter eyes.

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