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The minute I closed the door, I already felt a pull to go back and stay by her side simply because the very idea I couldn't see her with my own eyes scared me. I practically glued myself to the door still coming to terms with everything whilst feeling relief that she was safe.

When Lisa came and confessed her connection with my father, past the shock along with anger for his own hypocrisy I knew that it was only fair to return to the very place that nearly killed me to find more clues.


I grimaced at the old memories stuck on those walls that told tales of misery and when I walked into that hollow space the weariness I felt knowing I just entered the space I was scarred metaphorically and literally made my skin crawl. But the second I found her, duct tape over her mouth, tied up in a chair nothing else mattered- nothing could match the need coursing through my veins to have her in my arms away from all this.

And away from my own brother.

I had yet to fully process the fact that I had a brother, a lunatic who'd been poisoned by my father into believing that discrimination was the key to this world. And though I'm furious at what he did, a miniscule part of me felt pity for him. I had been fortunate to have my mother rescue me and now that I think about it, if she hadn't been there I would've turned out like him.

"You're lucky we got there in time," my dad said crossing his arms frowning whilst Uncle Logan came and stood beside him looking equally serious.

I swear these two are literally one person.

"I know this is the part I should apologize for being so irresponsible but I couldn't wait any longer . . . any second that passed killed me. Wouldn't you have thrown all logic to the side if mom was the one in this situation," his face softened at the mention of my mother and as he pinched the bridge of his nose I knew I had indirectly won this argument.

"With your mom and I- it was different."

"But you still faced criticism and obstacles from ignorant people," I paused slightly narrowing my gaze on him once I remembered something," and I never did ask what made you so sure Lisa and I would be there?"

It had been on my mind for a little while since both him and Uncle Logan had refused the idea of going back to my home to find more clues.

Uncle Logan took out my phone and handed it back to me," The asshole had the nerve to demand money in exchange for her and the place he wanted you to meet three days from now with the cash was at-"

"The place where it all began."

"Exactly," he nodded his head affirming what I already knew.

"How's Lisa doing?" my father asked.

That was another downside to this all, I saw the pain on her face when her son was taken away. And it was unfortunate how years had passed to draw them apart and just when they finally saw each other it had to be in a situation like this. Just as I was about to respond the woman herself made an appearance before us looking miserable.

"I could say fine but," she released a shaky breath," that would be a lie. How's she doing?" she gestured to the hospital room.

"She was pretty shaken up but she's a lot better now," I responded. I never wanted her to look so scared like that again.

"Monica is dying to see her," she chuckled humorously.

"Have you told her?"


"But Lis-"

"How do I even begin to explain she has a brother whos the product of a relationship I was ashamed of all in an attempt to please my family? How do I begin to explain I left my own child with his father who turned out to be feeding him poison so strong it led him to kidnap her only other friend!" at this point she was breathing heavily wearing a scowl on her face that made me nervous. When she initially explained the story to us she had kept the details vague claiming her and my father had engaged in a relationship that only lasted for a single night. Once she found out she was pregnant- her not being ready to be a mother was her reasoning but with this confession she unveiled her fear to face ridicule from her family.

And I would never come close to fully understanding what it must have felt like to leave her child but I knew that hiding the past by throwing dirt over it in the hopes it will help us forget didn't work. After what I experienced from attempting to disconnect any association with that man, there was still no denying he had a hand in making me who I was even if I grimaced at the process it took to get me here.

"I'm sure if you explain to her, she'll understand," I suggested but the way she frowned at me was a clear sign she wouldn't be persuaded by what I had to say. Look, its ultimately up to you what you decide but as someone whos taken too long to be open about my past- just don't. Lest you want to risk letting her hear it from someone else."

Her face softened significantly.

"Just- Just try. At least try making an effort to tell her."

"I used to spend countless hours wondering what it would have been like to see him again," she said leaning against the wall staring at the ground," and oftentimes thought about how many times I may have passed people on the street who could have possibly been my child. But I didn't once consider meeting him whilst he pointed a gun at me," she sniffled covering her face in anguish. It was only on instinct to console her that I put my arm around her to offer comfort. Her pain in all this was too hard to miss given the way her entire body just seemed gripped in the arms of sorrow.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't do that," she pushed my arm gently away shaking her head profusely frowning at me," don't apologize for how he turned out. Truth is I wish I knew your father enough to know just who he was- and left Cain in better hands- or at least decided to bear whatever judgement my family would have given me and kept him. I should have raised him to see beyond black and white."

"So, what now?"

She shrugged her shoulders," Do what I should have done the first time I held him . . . be there for him. Despite him being in prison- I'm not going to leave him," she shook her head squaring her shoulders," not this time."


We all looked back to find Monica and Nathan moving quickly down the hallway towards us. The worry evident on both their faces, Lisa briefly glanced back to look at us and I could only wonder what she was thinking.

"Send my love to Tiana," she murmured before turning on her heels moving towards her daughter.

"It's a fucking pity isn't it?" my father frowned moving to stand directly in front of me.

"Which part?"

"Knowing that your actions can affect someone else so much. Kind of goes to show if we don't take the time to place good values in each other, the world gets filled with more hate. A force that has no place in either you," he stated gripping my arm rubbing the skin there gently," or me," he said gesturing to his own skin coated in melanin.

And though others may see a difference there, in my eyes after all I've come to know switching my gaze quietly from my skin to his, the only thing I could see between us was the fact we were human.

Nothing more.

Nothing less. 

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