Chapter 6 - Oh! One True Love!

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     Mae's swim had been relatively easy, since it was of moderate intensity the same as it had been when she was going to the island of the plague. The fish left her alone, as did a crocodile and a small shark like creature. The water was colder however as she got closer and closer to the castle's outer wall, making her shiver as she exited.
Part one of my plan is done, now I have to get new clothes and somehow make my way inside before anyone sees me. How on Earth am I expecting myself to get new clothes if I am to avoid all contact with people... Well, ok, contactless mission is gone, time to visit one special lady that I didn't want to visit. Maybe she will have some answers as to what is happening.
If this plan goes... well according to plan, we will be home by sundown. No drama, nothing. If we can find out why we are here and how we got here without much problem, that would be a good plus side. But no death is allowed. That would be the worst outcome. I want to forget what has happened as soon as we get back home so I don't break our world.
    I wonder where everyone else is now. Are they still looking for me? Are they hurt? Oh god, what if I hurt them somehow? They might never trust me again. No, they'll understand.
     Mae groaned and pulled herself out of the cold lake, looking around with curiosity. The sand on the beach of the castle seemed to be real, but also felt too soft and "realistic" to be reality at all. The crabs she saw and the shells were placed all around, and quite frankly, the whole place just seemed to be decorated and placed in a way that it would make people jealous. She got off the sandy part, the sand soaking between her toes as her shoes were left on the lonely beach, waves touching them. She turned back around and outstretched a hand, but it was too late, the waves pulled them under. Crap. I'll buy Asra a new pair if I can.
     She squeezed between an area that separated the hedges from the walls of the outer wall of the palace and began walking through a hedge filled courtyard area, vines and flowers covered her entire range of sight. As she continued walking barefoot through the flower patches and the paved walkways, she began feeling as if her mind was leaving her actual body, the questions she wanted to ask and the emotions she was feeling were threatening to become too much. Mae held herself together however and took deep breaths, trying to keep her sanity for as long as possible.
This will be over soon, and I'll be grateful when that moment finally comes.
     As she went into a different part of the courtyard, a small creature began following her. Mae heard it patter behind her, but just hoped that it was curious about her scent and not her actual self. Curiosity settled in, and she couldn't help but turn around. She was met with the sight of an otter looking at her, but then waddling along as it stepped in the grass and sniffed around.
    Mae turned around and lifted her foot up to take another step, but then her mind but a roadblock in front of her and she couldn't move. With little willpower required, she remembered what Dante had told her and Asra yesterday about the item that the Hanged Man had been holding. A creature the color of a tarnished nail. Wait! She thought urgently and turned back around to find the small creature she had thought to be insignificant, but no longer was. It was gone, like it was an illusion. Am I still hallucinating?
    She held her head for a moment and looked around in worry, trying to see if she could find the otter again, but it had long disappeared. She was afraid to leave now, but decided against searching for the otter for longer than needed. She rushed off and out of the hedge garden as if there were eyes watching her from every corner. As she turned the corner, she entered another part of the palace gardens, this time the path was lined with various animal statues and carvings made out of stone.
     Mae looked at them in worry, her drenched clothes weighing her down indefinitely. She felt as if she was about to go to war, but it was a war that couldn't be won by anyone. The statues all were watching her, their animalistic features running circles around her. One of the statues caught her looked like a dragon on two legs holding a notebook with things flying around it. It had cracked wings however, showing its actual age. She didn't stop walking, and exited that part of the garden.
     Her mind went back to the otter that had found her in the garden. This doesn't make any sense lore wise however. Or even me-wise depending on the limited information I have about how I was here. If I was the only one here thanks to the theory that I was here thanks to the game somehow connecting me to a real life equivalent, then it makes no sense that somehow they have a familiar. Wait. If Dante has one, does that mean everyone does just thanks to them existing here now?
     Mae suddenly realized that she was so confused by the mask and the voices, that she had forgotten to ask Ramille and Perri if they had seen anything while transporting, like an animal or if another Arcana came to warn them of something, like how the Hanged Man, Magician and Death herself did for her, Dante and Elvadoer. She internally, and nearly externally, facepalmed and entered into a large grassy area with designated spots where flowers grew and so did large orange trees. Mae didn't know what to feel; relieved or worried out of her skin.
     She walked faster towards the small cottage in the corner of the garden area, her clothes felt like a ball and chain weighing her down, refusing to let her move faster. She stumbled on a pile of stones, but didn't stop walking. She went to the door and looked at it, her mind racing to see what situations would come out of this.
Let's see, the best outcome is that Portia lends me new clothes without causing a commotion, understands my situation, and then aids me in my mission to get us home. Bad side number one is that she raises alarm and I am unable to complete the mission. And just the natural bad side number two is that something goes wrong or puts off our mission to not be classified as missing if we do not return tonight.
     Mae wasn't going to dwindle on her possible demise any longer, and knocked the door once with the heavy thud of her fist. She stepped back from the door, her feet beginning to hurt as she swayed in place. There was no noise for a moment, either she wasn't here, or she didn't expect a visitor. Mae waited a moment, being silent and closing her eyes, hoping that someone was there.
     The door swung open slowly, making Mae snap back into focus. The face attached to a head of ginger hair poked out and looked at her for a moment, trying to see who it was. She went wide eyed and rushed out, hugging Mae and her wet clothes. She gripped on tight and nearly made Mae tumble backwards, but she held her ground.
     "Mae! It's been forever!" Portia said excitedly and stepped back from Mae, parts of her shirt a little wet, but not as bad as Mae was.
     Mae nearly felt her emotions go overboard, but held it in, swaying in place. This cannot be real. No no, this can't. I refuse it. I will not become attached. She didn't say anything, but just smiled and slumped onto the wall, not being able to hold herself up.
     "You're soaking wet! What did you do this time?"
    "Swam," Mae stuttered out, feeling suddenly tired and hungry. She had forgotten how long it had been since she even ate anything, almost a full day. "I swam a lot."
     Portia rolled her eyes and helped Mae inside, Mae fixing her posture to stand upright after the wight of the unknown was only partially removed from her shoulders. Portia was around 5'1 and had tan skin and a pudgy, yet healthy body shape. Her red hair was tied up with a bandana of some sorts, and she wore a gold-yellow and white outfit. She guided Mae to sit down at the small table in the middle of the room and sat down across from her.
     "So, why are you here? Where's Asra?"
     "Well," Mae began, her tiredness showing under her eyelids, "I need to see your brother. It's urgent."
     Portia crossed her arms. "Really? Just you?"
     Mae was confused and raised an eyebrow. "Yes? I don't see why I would be accompanied by anyone."
     "Well, Asra just came to the palace a while ago to get him and the Countess, but he refused to leave the guest room in fear of being seen. Asra and the Countess left about an hour ago to come get you and your friends."
     "Wait," Mae said. He had already been here, and he was getting the Countess to come see her as well to bring her here? "How do you know about my friends that are here with me?"
     Portia sighed and looked at Mae. "Asra was talking about you and this "Elvadoer" person a lot. He rambled slightly, but he did say some nice things about you. He also mentioned your supposed memory loss situation, but I didn't ask him about it anymore than his quick mention of it. He also was talking about how, when you were sleeping last night, he thought you were having a panic attack."
     "He was watching us sleep?"
     "No, he said he was checking in on you guys because you were talking to yourself and he got worried," Portia stopped, moving a strand of hair out of her face, "he said that he was worried about you suddenly getting another panic attack and that he didn't want to leave you alone at the shop for too long."
I've had my panic attacks here too? I mean, I don't have them often at home anymore thanks to the medicine that helped me with my anxiety and all that, but how on Earth have I been translated here almost perfectly? That was more suspicious than anything I've heard thus far. Mae didn't say anything, but just nodded, prompting Portia to continue.
     She cleared her throat. "Then, he started talking about how interesting Elvadoer was. Yeah he said interesting, but anyways he was talking about how she was the only one in the group who showed no magic automatically in his presence and that she was cute and-"
     "Wait wait wait," Mae said, nearly choking on laughter. "Asra said Elvadoer was cute?"
     "In a stubborn kind of way," Portia pointed out, nearly chuckling as well. "He just talked about you guys obviously having a strong friendship and stuff, nothing crazy. Though he did mention Dante, Ramille and Perri in part of his sentence, I couldn't hear it. It's been a long time since I heard Perri's name.."
    "Wait, what?"
    "Ah, nevermind all of that, we should get going then if you need to see him so urgently! It's been months since we heard last from you!" She completely brushed off Mae's confusion and rubbed her hands together. "First! New clothes for you, since there is no way I am letting you see him in that attire! Ah, first he needs a disguise from me, and now you require one too. How ironic," She mumbled the last part to herself and guided Mae into the small changing room at the back of her cottage, some uniforms hanging up on the side of the wall on hangers.
     Mae breathed in the air as if she was going to stop breathing right after and sighed, looking back at Portia. "I'll come out when I'm all done."
     "Don't rush yourself, we have a while before they get back I bet, unless you directly lead everyone back here, which wouldn't make any sense since you came all alone. Just tell me when you're done and we'll head out." Portia smiled and closed the door, leaving Mae alone.
     She slipped off her damp clothes, all except for her bra and underwear, and put them in a small laundry basket at the side of the room and grabbed one of the uniforms off the hanger, holding it up to her body in the mirror to see if it would fit, but ultimately put it back. Mae first grabbed one of the plain white shirts that were folded neatly on the floor and slipped it on over her head. It was strangely more comfy than she would've thought so. Now for a uniform. She settled on one that had the same gold lining as Portia's but it had a symbol on the back of it, symbolizing a raven. Ironic. She thought to herself as she slipped it on and over her head, buttoning up the front with slight trouble, but not too much. She buttoned up the last button that was near her collarbone and straightened it, looking more regal than she would've ever imagined. New goal when I get back home. Buy a suit for myself.
     Mae looked through the same white pants and shorts that were on hangers, the golden lining continuing the whole was down. She chose the one that looked more baggy than the others, which meant it was most likely made to fit someone taller than her. She stepped into them and button the front, looking at herself in the mirror from all sides. It seemed to fit nearly perfectly, although the uniform was a little loose around her arms, it still all worked. She chose a generic pair of dark brown shoes from the closet and looked at herself.
     Mae sighed and ruffled her short hair, making it not look as stuck and damp as it was before. Mae once again went to look in the mirror, and smiled at her appearance before walking out of the room to see Portia making what seemed to be a cup of coffee or tea. She turned around to the sound of the door and nearly clapped at the sight of Mae. She looked completely different, but all the same.
     "You look amazing!" Portia said and did a circle around her, looking at the uniform. As she saw the golden laced raven on the back of it, she laughed a little. "Very fitting for the occasion. I never would've worn this outfit anyways. It's one of the spares for the palace servants that was never used."
     Mae was blushing a slight bit at the irony of the situation as well, but she was also a little bit flattered, which she hadn't been in the longest time. Portia went to the counter and handed her a small cup of tea and smiled. "Something for the journey."
     "You're coming along with me?"
     "Why wouldn't I? I want to see his face when you suddenly just pop in. He's probably worried sick that the Countess and Asra haven't gotten back." Portia walked ahead of Mae as they approached the small cottage door and opened it back up to the flower filled garden. It seemed completely different to Mae now, her eyes taking it all in rather than pushing it all away.
     Mae smiled for the first time in a while. It was a genuine smile, not a fake one like she had been putting on nearly the entire time they had been in Vesuvia. "Well, what are we waiting for? We have a palace to sneak into."
     Portia smirked and walked ahead of her, going through the same garden as before, but to Mae it all looked different. The suspicion and worry of anyone and everyone watching her was gone as soon as it had appeared. The flowers were swaying as a small breeze blew by the two as they walked without stopping. The statues all stayed still without their cracks spreading or their eyes following them. Mae did however, stop for a moment to look st the dragon one.
     "What's this statue of? I don't recognize it." I mean, the games art for the locations never showed it, though it did show the others. Hmmm... why am I even curious again?
     "Oh! The Countess just cleaned it up a few weeks ago and got it repolished and stuff."
     "But what does it symbolize? Like, the dragon guard?" Mae asked, looking at it as they walked again, but slower.
     "I don't know exactly. All I know is that when the Count was alive, you know before the plague, he put it here."
     "Hmm..." Can I trust her? I mean, duh I can... but I told myself I wouldn't kill the world with outside knowledge. Maybe I should have my own "ORDER" command.
     They walked in silence as they exited the outside corridor of statues and went a different way than how Mae had arrived. This time they entered in what seemed to be a hedge maze, small statues and lanterns were placed all around and on the hedges. It took a moment, but Mae noticed a large fountain through another hedge corridor and immediately knew where she was.
     "This is the fountain, right? Where-"
     "Where you and my brother performed some magic and went to the Hanged Man's realm? Yeah, it is." Portia stopped to look at the half-horse half-fish creature at the top of the statue before continuing on. "Say, about your memory loss situation, it really happened, didn't it? You seem to be having a hard time recognizing certain things. You've been inside of my cottage more times than I remember, yet you were lost."
    "I have? I didn't know that I have."
    "Hmm... what kind of memory loss has affected you this time?"
    "I've been affected before?!" I don't remember this in the strange lore!!
    "Oh yeah, I don't remember how, but suddenly you forgot a ton of things and we had to help you regain your memories. It took a while, but we succeeded... Mae? I don't want to worry you, but I heard something earlier. It might sound crazy, I might sound crazy, but the voice said that you have never been here before. Death's voice. That you haven't. That's absurd! Right?"
    Mae turned her head away as they slowed their pace, and she put a hand on her side. "No, it's true. I was hoping you knew what was happening, but it's apparent that you do not. I don't know how or why I was here before, and what I even did here, or how I impacted the world. I wish I could say that I have, but I'm being completely honest with you."
    The two approached the palace steps, and Mae explained to Portia, in detail, what was happening. She left out that they were a fictional world on a phone, since that would be way too much to handle all at once, but she told her short friend everything else. How she got here, how Asra was acting strange and was hinting at the fact that she had been here before and impacted everyone here in some way, and how she already knew some important details, but was completely thrown for a loop for how she changed and affected everyone else.
    "But then... how have you-"
    "I don't know. I theorize it was from me knowing of your world and somehow my spirit came here to embody me, but your guess is as good as mine. I need to see your brother though to get us home somehow. A strange voice has been talking to me, telling me things and that if I was met with the disappointment now, we could get home sooner."
    "And you believe this strange voice?"
    "What choice do I even have? If I don't, we will be stuck... forever... I have to make my own choices and follow whatever leads I have."
    Portia put a hand under her chin, "and the voice said 'to be met with disappointment now'? Is my brother a disappointment?"
    "No! No no! I think... it meant to be met with the disappointment that I cannot stay here. I don't know how that would be a step to bringing us back home, but it's the only lead I have."
    "Make's sense to go off of what you got... hmm... say, how are you going to explain this to my brother? You two were a thing until you up and disappeared months ago. He claimed to have heard your voice sometimes, like you were a ghost chasing him, but they were, according to him, all negative things. Like the voice was trying to lure him away from you. Hell, how will you explain this to Asra? He might freak out too. And the Countess..."
    "I plan on telling him if it comes to that. The less drama we have, the better. I feel as though it would be for the better to tell him, but I fear for his reaction. And I fear for mine as well..."
    Portia nodded, and suddenly she stopped in front of a door, "Mae, you still share some of the same emotions right? The one we saw may have just been a spiritual entity, but you have to feel somewhat the same."
    "I think I do. This is all so surreal already, and seeing someone I only could dream about now in real life and infront of me? I'll cry. I can bet you on that. I'm a very sensitive person," she gave her a weak smile and stepped back as Portia opened the door and put out a hand for Mae to wait there.
    "Oh, hello Pasha. What brings you to my exquisite quarters?"
    "Just because my cat sheds doesn't make my place a hundred times worse than here. I told you that you don't have to stay cooped up in here Ilya!"
    "Eh, I have gotten used to it. It's rather nice," he folded his hands on his knees as he was sitting on the bed and looked at his sister, "so, what do you need?"
    "Actually..." she looked back at Mae was a nervous glance, obviously showing that she still was unsure of everything she now knew. "Uh, see..."
    Mae walked forward and entered the doorway, her hands together in front of her body. He stood up immediately and turned his attention towards her. He had his eyepatch off, his left red eye on display. He was wearing a generic shirt and pants, along with blue socks. He had the room tidy in one spot, and then messy in others. It was a big room however, making it be big enough to fit at least another king sized bed, but yet there was only one.
    "Mae!" He rushed forward and pulled her inside the room and hugged her close, sniffling.
You shouldn't be crying for me. I am not yours. I stole your emotions. Don't cry for me.
    She then realized she was crying too, and buried her head into his shoulder as well. With guilt heavy in her heart, she was happy. But she was also worried.
Let us go home now.
For the emotions of one transferred to another may signal that the works in this world are being changed by none other.

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