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"Guk, if animals could talk, which would be the rudest?", a girl with long hair that reached her lower back casually asked as she shifted her legs, which were propped up on the window sill.

A boy of the same age clicked his tongue. He sat on the floor, his eyes skimming all the books that were scattered across the rug in an attempt to sort them out, "I think...," he reached out and grabbed a book from the pile, "...monkeys."

The girl's face screwed up in disgust, "monkeys?! Why?! What have monkeys ever done to you, Jungkook?!", she said in an overdramatic stance.

Jungkook sat up and looked at her, "I mean, they're YOUR descendants, so..."

He yelped as a notebook came flying for his head, "Ow! Seiwan!"

Seiwan flipped her hair, "anyways, try again."

"What do you want me to say if you're gonna disrespect my decision?" Jungkook asked in an exasperated tone.

Seiwan sighed, "cats, gukkie. Obviously I wanted you to say CATS."

Jungkook snickered, "what happened, you and your 'cat' had a fight again?"

Seiwan rolled her eyes and sat up, bringing her legs down, "I think she broke up with her boyfriend the way she was behaving last night."

Jungkook burst out laughing, "you still think the fat, brown cat is her boyfriend?"

"Yes, ofcourse. You just can't accept the fact that my baby has a better love life then your forever single ass, can you?"

Jungkook's laughter died out, "wha— excuse me?! I've dated—"

"You mean that girl in fifth grade who had a crush on you? If you consider that a relationship, I won't hesitate to strangle you, since we all know your gay ass is absolutely terrified of girls."

He rolled his eyes, "yeah, because my best friend is a cabbage?"

"Who? Me? Nah, Koo, I'm exceptional."

He smirked, "yea, a cabbage, with a cat that's so tiny, she looks like a potato with eyes."

Seiwan jumped off the sill, and joined Jungkook on the floor, "what is it with you and comparing everyone to vegetables?"

"What is it with you and being irrationally annoying?"

"No counter questioning, dip-shit," Seiwan said pointing her finger at Jungkook's nose, who rolled his eyes again before Seiwan changed the topic, "so, do you think we get new teachers with the new building?"

"I don't know, but hopefully we get to dispose of Mr. Ghim. I'm fine with anyone but that meanie," Jungkook picked up the last book and set it on top of the stack beside the two.

Seiwan sighed dramatically and pulled out her phone, "well, that's too bad, 'cause we got an email from the school stating that we have the same teachers for all the science subjects," she pulled out something on her phone and held it up for Jungkook to see.

The loud groan that proceeded from the boy was enough to confirm the news, "ugh, I need my sanity back."

"Well, on the bright side, the western campus is joining our eastern campus, and guess who's in the western campus."

"Oh no...stop reminding me...Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin and all those people..."Jungkook's face was painted in realization as he stared at Seiwan in horror.

Seiwan winked, "yup! And you might FINALLY - "

"Oh shut UP, you hopeless romantic. You think any of those seniors will give half a heck about about any of us 'tiny sophomores' ?!" he whined, pulling his face into his hands.

"Oh jeez, gukkie, of course not! You don't have the charms! But it'll be a thrill! Imagine all the fun we get to have, trolling students into - "

"Wannie, if you haven't noticed yet, "Jungkook said in a fake, sweet voice that dripped venom, "practically the entire student body has chosen to think we don't exist, thanks to your stupid antics."

"Wel, my dear Gukkie, if YOU haven't noticed yet, we have A WHOLE NEW STUDENT BODY to troll," she said giddily.

"Oh come on, Seiwan. Please let us NOT ruin this! Especially since everyone from the western campus are seniors. They'll kill us."

"Ugh, kook, you absolutely kill the fun. It's so obvious you have a crush on - "

"Oh shut up," he grumbled as he got up, picking up the stack of books and shoving them into his backpack, "hot ass just HAD to join our campus."



So this is the first chapter with a small description of how I'm gonna be portraying Jungkook and his best friend ; Seiwan. I'm writing this fic just for fun, so please try staying content with the story,

I'l be happy to see any suggestions for sceneries any of you want in the comments :)

Please vote if you like the story line, I'm not forcing you :)


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