☀️ [8] ☀️

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Jungkook suddenly squeezed his eyes shut, a tingling sensation building it's way up to the entrance of his nose and stopping. The coming sneeze disappearing from existence.

It annoyed him to the height, considering he was already feeling pretty pissed.

Jungkook brought two fingers each up to the sides of his head and rubbed aggressively, "ARGH~"

Taehyung watched the distressed younger, his brows furrowing in concern, "hey, Jungkook? Are you feeling okay? Do you want to go ho - "

"I'm fine, totally. I'm okay - I - Ah - " Jungkook cut off by sneezing heavily, jerking forward abruptly, eyes squeezing shut so tightly, it looked painful, "Ow ~ "

Jungkook opened his eyes slowly, refusing to look at the older, embarrassment evident in his eyes. His coat's sleeves were pulled up to his knuckles, and he kept one pawed hand on his face as he reached out for one of the fancy printed napkins.

He slumped back, feeling some sort of sickness rising in his stomach, as he wiped at his face, "excuse me," he mumbled in a tiny voice.

Jungkook flinched when he felt a much colder hand press against his forehead.

With Jungkook's head craned down, Taehyung could see his eyes straining to look at the older, and he chuckled, "I don't bite, honey."

Jungkook's eyes fell, along with his lower lip, which fell out instead, "I know..."

"You're really sick, you know? You shouldn't have played today. Why don't you call Seiwan? You need to get home and rest."

Jungkook swatted the large hand away, "I'm FINE. Don't you dare blame it on dodgeball! I won't be allowed to play anymore - "

"You're NOT allowed to play. I'm not letting you - "

"What?! No! You can't do that? Who says I - "

"Why don't you try getting better and THEN let me - your team captain - decide whether you get to play or not?" Taehyung's voice was slightly more aggressive and laced with annoyance.

Jungkook immediately backed away, sensing the older's irritation. And to put it right, Taehyung WAS annoyed, and Jungkook was getting on his nerves with his attitude.

Jungkook lowered his gaze, "okay. Yeah..um...mhm...sorry..."

Taehyung softened his expression at once, feeling guilty. He was about to speak when the other two suddenly decided to return.

Seiwan and Jimin walked back twards their shared table, Seiwan eating sugar from a small white packet, "so! How'd it g - hey!"

Jungkook jumped up, grabbing Seiwan's arm, "well! It was nice spending time with you guys! See you at school, we gotta dash - " and with that he ran out of the cafe, dragging Seiwan by her arm, who was yelping out a string of protests.

Jimin sighed, "dude, what the fuck happened?"

"What do you mean? It's not necessary for somet - "

"Who the hell says 'gotta dash' nowadays?!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, proceeding to briefly explain their small interaction.

"You blew it! Learn from me! Or even Seiwan - she's so fucking straightforward it's awesome. She already asked for my number," Jimin sat down while narrating his small interaction, "I was so surprised, like was she already hitting on me? Then she asked me for yours,

"and I was like 'what?', and then she explained that she actually just wanted YOUR number so she could try to hook you and Jungkook up somehow, and that she only asked for my number because she didn't want me to feel 'left out'," Jimin finished with his fingers up in air quotes.

Taehyung burst out laughing at the end, "nice way to make someone feel better of themselves."

"Yeah, well, I have Jungkook's number too, because - if you haven't noticed - we both ship you way too much," Jimin reached in to his pocket and fished out his phone, "and now me and Seiwan have full control over you two," he grinned widely.

Taehyung's tongue stuck out as he fished out his own phone, "our relationship with those two escalated pretty quickly, didn't it? I thought their entire campus was buzzing about how horrible they were?"

"It's cool, though, they're cool. At least, Seiwan assured me Jungkook IS cool when he's not pent up about being sick. The rumors are shit as always, Tae, I didn't know you'd be dumb enough to believe them! Both of them are sweet and NOTHING like what we heard - "

"Oh my God, Jimin! That's not what I meant! I was saying I don't understand where the rumors came from, I mean they seem pretty likable..."

Jimin raised his brows.

"He probably IS when he's not sick!" Taehyung said, rolling his eyes again.

"Yeah, of course," the smirk on Jimin's face made Taehyung want to punch his best friend.


Seiwan smacked Jungkook's head as they drove by building after building, "why the hell did you argue with him then, you idiot?!"

"OW! Dude, what the hell! You're supposed to be on MY side! I didn't MEAN to annoy him!"

"Well, you DID! And he probably hates you like EVERYONE ELSE at school! - "

Jungkook's expression instantly fell, "you think so?"

"NO dammit! Of course not! But still!"

The driver at the front turned around, amusement playing in his eyes, "we're at your house, Mr.Jeon."

"Hyung! I've asked you not to call me that!" Jungkook whined, "it makes me feel weird."

The driver chuckled, "well, you were too engrosed in your love life, I didn't think you'd notice, Jungkook," he winked at the boy, and Seiwan giggled, opening the side door.

"It's that obvious?"

"You have no idea."


I'm sorry, I needed to pass time 👉👈 and I absolutely hate this chapter, but oh well. It helped pass time ~


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